Package sdu

A set of utilities to make developing scripts simpler and easier

There are several goals with this project:

  1. Provide a useful API for well developed functions with error catching and testing for commonly annoying situations
  2. Provide cross-platform implementations of functions (where possible)
  3. Give people access to source code to learn how the functions work and just pull what's needed
  4. Serve as a repository of general knowledge to share solutions to issues with people


From PyPi:

Run pip install sdu


sudo pip3 install sdu

From source:

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone

  2. CD into the /sdu directory and run:

    pip install . or sudo pip3 install .



This module is used to generate autocomplete files for bash


A module for helpful utilities with generating CLI's such as:

  • Clearing the terminal


This module contains many useful utilities for dealing with system paths such as:

  • A pre and post processing pipeline for system paths
  • Ability to add paths to the PATH variable


Quick and common conversions between types with sensible options such as:

  • Converting a dictionary (and second dimension dictionary keys) to defaultdict(s)


Contains a set of common validation schemes such as:

  • Validating number input is between a set value at the command line
  • Validate provided string is an accepted value
Expand source code
"""A set of utilities to make developing scripts simpler and easier

There are several goals with this project:

1. Provide a useful API for well developed functions with error catching and testing for commonly annoying situations
2. Provide cross-platform implementations of functions (where possible)
3. Give people access to source code to learn how the functions work and just pull what's needed
4. Serve as a repository of general knowledge to share solutions to issues with people

**From PyPi:**

```pip install sdu``` 


```sudo pip3 install sdu```

**From source:**

1. Clone the repo:

    ```git clone```

2. CD into the **/sdu** directory and run:

    ```pip install .``` or ```sudo pip3 install .```

### autocomplete

This module is used to generate autocomplete files for bash

### cli

A module for helpful utilities with generating CLI's such as:

- Clearing the terminal

### paths

This module contains many useful utilities for dealing with system paths such as:

- A pre and post processing pipeline for system paths
- Ability to add paths to the PATH variable

### type_conversions

Quick and common conversions between types with sensible options such as:

- Converting a dictionary (and second dimension dictionary keys) to defaultdict(s)

### validation

Contains a set of common validation schemes such as:

- Validating number input is between a set value at the command line
- Validate provided string is an accepted value




This module is used to generate autocomplete files for various systems (bash, zsh etc.) …


A module for helpful utilities with generating CLI's such as: …


This module contains many useful utilities for dealing with system paths such as: …


This module is for quick and common conversions between types with sensible options such as: …


Contains a set of common validation schemes such as: …