Module sdu.autocomplete

This module is used to generate autocomplete files for various systems (bash, zsh etc.)

Module Variables

command (namedtuple): Defines the schema for commands that is used to generate autocomplete files.


Generate bash autocomplete file for a command called 'command'

from sdu.autocomplete import generate_bash_autocomplete, command

root = 'command' # Replace this with the name of your root command (what you type in terminal to use cli)

commands =  [ # Used for autocompletion generation
    command("docs", ["-a", "--api", "-o", "--offline"]),
    command("register", [])

generate_bash_autocomplete(root, commands)
print(f"Bash autocompletion file written to /etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh 
Please restart shell for autocomplete to update")
Expand source code
"""This module is used to generate autocomplete files for various systems (bash, zsh etc.)

Module Variables

command (namedtuple):
    Defines the schema for commands that is used
    to generate autocomplete files.


### Generate bash autocomplete file for a command called 'command'
from sdu.autocomplete import generate_bash_autocomplete, command

root = 'command' # Replace this with the name of your root command (what you type in terminal to use cli)

commands =  [ # Used for autocompletion generation
    command("docs", ["-a", "--api", "-o", "--offline"]),
    command("register", [])

generate_bash_autocomplete(root, commands)
print(f"Bash autocompletion file written to /etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh \nPlease restart shell for autocomplete to update")

# Standard lib dependencies

import logging                        # Used to log valueable logging info
from collections import namedtuple    # Used to setup command schema for feeding autocomplete

command = namedtuple("command", ["name", "arguments"])

def _generate_root_autocomplete(root:str, commands:list , arguments:list = []) -> str:
    """Generates the first portion of a bash autocomplete file

    root : str
        The root command name
    command : str
        The command to generate the autocomplete section for
    arguments : list
        The arguments that are possible for the command parameter

        The autocomplete section for the root command
    """"Beginning bash root command autocomplete generation")
    arguments = _stringify_list(arguments)

    root_template = f"""_{root}()
        local cur

        if [ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]; then
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -fW '{arguments} {_stringify_list(commands)}' -- $cur) )
            case ${{COMP_WORDS[1]}} in

    for command in commands:
        root_template += f"""


    logging.debug(f"Root Template: {root_template}")
    return root_template

def _generate_command_autocomplete(root:str, command:str, arguments:list) -> str:
    """Generates a bash autocomplete section for a single command

    root : str
        The root command name
    command : str
        The command to generate the autocomplete section for
    arguments : list
        The arguments that are possible for the command parameter

        The autocomplete section for the command
    """"Beginning command autocomplete generation for command {command} with arguments {arguments}")

    if arguments:
        arguments = _stringify_list(arguments)
        arguments = " "
    command_result = f"""_{root}_{command}()
        local cur

        if [ $COMP_CWORD -ge 2 ]; then
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '{arguments}' -- $cur) )
    logging.debug(f"Command Result: {command_result}")
    return command_result

def _stringify_list(arguments:list) -> str:
    """Takes a list and stringifies it to a useable format for autocomplete files

    arguments: (list)
        The arguments that need to be converted to a string

        The string representation of the list
    >> _stringify_list(["-a", "--api", "-o", "--offline"]) # Returns: '-a --api -o --offline' 
    """"Beginning list ({arguments})  stringification")
    if not (type(arguments) == list or type(arguments) == tuple):
        raise ValueError("Expected list of arguments, got string instead")

    stringified = ""

    for argument in arguments: # Preprocess arguments into appropriate string form
        stringified += f" {argument}"
    logging.debug(f"Stringified: {stringified}")
    return stringified

def generate_bash_autocomplete(root:str, commands:list, write_file:bool = True) -> str:
    """Takes a list of commands (namedtuple type) and returns the text necessary for a bash autocomplete file

    root: (str)
        The string signifying the base programs name

    commands: (list[namedtuple])
        A list of the commands to generate the autocomplete file for

    write_file: (bool)
        When true will write a file to path that bash looks for autocomplete files, default is True

        The text that would be written to a bash autocomplete file 

    Generate bash autocomplete file for a command called 'command'

    from sdu.autocomplete import generate_bash_autocomplete, command

    root = 'command' # Replace this with the name of your root command (what you type in terminal to use cli)

    commands =  [ # Used for autocompletion generation
        command("docs", ["-a", "--api", "-o", "--offline"]),
        command("register", [])

    generate_bash_autocomplete(root, commands)
    print(f"Bash autocompletion file written to /etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh Please restart shell for autocomplete to update")
    """"Beginning bash autocompletion generation")

    if not type(commands) == list:
        raise ValueError("Expected list of commands, got string instead")

    sub_commands = [root] # list of just top level sub-commands
    for command in commands: # Iterate through and pull just subcommands from commands list

    arguments = ["-h", "--help", "-v", "--version"]
    for command in commands:
        for argument in command.arguments:
    autocomplete_text = _generate_root_autocomplete(root, sub_commands, arguments)

    for command in commands:
        autocomplete_text += _generate_command_autocomplete(root,, command.arguments)

    autocomplete_text += f"\ncomplete -o bashdefault -o default -o filenames -F _{root} {root}\n"

    logging.debug(f"Autocomplete Text: {autocomplete_text}")

    if write_file:
        with open(f"/etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh", "w") as autocomplete_file:

    return autocomplete_text


def generate_bash_autocomplete(root: str, commands: list, write_file: bool = True) ‑> str

Takes a list of commands (namedtuple type) and returns the text necessary for a bash autocomplete file


root : (str)
The string signifying the base programs name
commands : (list[namedtuple])
A list of the commands to generate the autocomplete file for
write_file : (bool)
When true will write a file to path that bash looks for autocomplete files, default is True


The text that would be written to a bash autocomplete file


Generate bash autocomplete file for a command called 'command'

from sdu.autocomplete import generate_bash_autocomplete, command

root = 'command' # Replace this with the name of your root command (what you type in terminal to use cli)

commands =  [ # Used for autocompletion generation
    command("docs", ["-a", "--api", "-o", "--offline"]),
    command("register", [])

generate_bash_autocomplete(root, commands)
print(f"Bash autocompletion file written to /etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh Please restart shell for autocomplete to update")
Expand source code
def generate_bash_autocomplete(root:str, commands:list, write_file:bool = True) -> str:
    """Takes a list of commands (namedtuple type) and returns the text necessary for a bash autocomplete file

    root: (str)
        The string signifying the base programs name

    commands: (list[namedtuple])
        A list of the commands to generate the autocomplete file for

    write_file: (bool)
        When true will write a file to path that bash looks for autocomplete files, default is True

        The text that would be written to a bash autocomplete file 

    Generate bash autocomplete file for a command called 'command'

    from sdu.autocomplete import generate_bash_autocomplete, command

    root = 'command' # Replace this with the name of your root command (what you type in terminal to use cli)

    commands =  [ # Used for autocompletion generation
        command("docs", ["-a", "--api", "-o", "--offline"]),
        command("register", [])

    generate_bash_autocomplete(root, commands)
    print(f"Bash autocompletion file written to /etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh Please restart shell for autocomplete to update")
    """"Beginning bash autocompletion generation")

    if not type(commands) == list:
        raise ValueError("Expected list of commands, got string instead")

    sub_commands = [root] # list of just top level sub-commands
    for command in commands: # Iterate through and pull just subcommands from commands list

    arguments = ["-h", "--help", "-v", "--version"]
    for command in commands:
        for argument in command.arguments:
    autocomplete_text = _generate_root_autocomplete(root, sub_commands, arguments)

    for command in commands:
        autocomplete_text += _generate_command_autocomplete(root,, command.arguments)

    autocomplete_text += f"\ncomplete -o bashdefault -o default -o filenames -F _{root} {root}\n"

    logging.debug(f"Autocomplete Text: {autocomplete_text}")

    if write_file:
        with open(f"/etc/bash_completion.d/{root}.sh", "w") as autocomplete_file:

    return autocomplete_text


class command (name, arguments)

command(name, arguments)


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var arguments

Alias for field number 1

var name

Alias for field number 0