Module ezprez.core
The module that contains the Presentation and Slide classes that are used to generate web presentations
The class that is used to generate slides that are fed into the Presentation object
The class for defining the presentation configuration, and primary entrypoint to exporting presentations
- On first run you will need an internet connection to download webslides
Creating a presentation with a slide and exporting it to ./Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation, Slide
# This slide is auto-added to the Presentation object by default
Slide('This is the title', 'and this is the content')
prez = Presentation(title, description, url)
# Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found
prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
Expand source code
"""The module that contains the Presentation and Slide classes that are used to generate web presentations
#### Slide
The class that is used to generate slides that are fed into the Presentation object
The class for defining the presentation configuration, and primary entrypoint to exporting presentations
- On first run you will need an internet connection to download webslides
#### Creating a presentation with a slide and exporting it to ./Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation, Slide
# This slide is auto-added to the Presentation object by default
Slide('This is the title', 'and this is the content')
prez = Presentation(title, description, url)
# Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found
prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
# Standard lib dependencies
import os # Used in path validation
from datetime import datetime # Used to get date for export
from typing import Union, List # Used to enrich type hints in methods
from shutil import copyfile, copytree, rmtree # Used to do high level filesystem operations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field # Used to make class generation faster and more efficient
# Internal dependencies
from ezprez.components import * # Used for type checking in content generation
from ezprez.components import _Component # Used for type checking in content generation
# External Dependencies
from tqdm import tqdm # Used for progress bars
from elevate import elevate # Used for any protected folder access such as system wide python installs or exports
from pystall.core import ZIPResource, build # Used to download webslides from the latest version and extract it for use on export
class Slide:
"""The class that is used to generate slides that are fed into the Presentation object
Class Variables
all: (List[Slide])
Contains all slide instances that have been instatiated, accessed through Slide.all
heading: (str)
The slide's title/heading
contents: (str, list, or Component)
An arbitrary number of strings, lists or Component subclasses that make up the contents of the slide
background: (False or str)
The background color of the slide (see notes), optional by default False
image: (False or Image)
An image to use as a background for the slide, optional by default False
horizontal_alignment: (str)
Where to align the slide contents horizontally, optional defaults to 'center'
vertical_alignment: (str)
Where to align the slide contents vertically, optional defaults to 'center'
animation: (str)
Which animation to use for slide transition, optional defaults to 'fadeIn'
- Horizontal alignment can be left, right or center
- Vertical alignment can be top, bottom or center
- Background colors available can be found at; just make sure to remove 'bg', so for example 'bg-black' becomes 'black'
- Contents is an unpacked variable, meaning you just specify multiple sets of contents such as Slide(title, 'this is content', ['and', 'so', 'is', 'this'], Button('This to', '#'))
- Animation can be fadeIn, fadeInUp, zoomIn, slideInLeft, slideInRight
- You can also add 'slow' to the end of any animation to slow the animation i.e. 'zoomIn slow'
### Create a basic text slide
from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Button
Slide('Here is a text slide', 'and this is the text')
### Create a slide with some text, a list, and a button
from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Button
Slide('This is the title...', '... and this is content', ['and', 'so', 'is', 'this'], Button('This to', '#'))
all = []
def __init__(self, heading:str, *contents:Union[str, list, tuple, _Component], background:Union[bool,str] = False, horizontal_alignment:str = "center", vertical_alignment:str = "center", image:Union[bool, Image]=False, animation:str = "fadeIn" ):
# Assign class attributes
self.image = image
self.heading = heading
self.contents = contents
self.background = background
self.vertical_alignment = vertical_alignment
self.horizontal_alignment = horizontal_alignment
self.animation = animation
# Append slide to the class variable Slide.all
def _generate_content(self):
"""Generates the necessary html with the provided contents"""
result = f"\n\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background} slide-{self.vertical_alignment}'>"
if self.image:
result += f"\n\t\t\t\t<span class='background' style='background-image:url(\"./static/images/{self.image.filename}\")'></span>"
result += f"\n\t\t\t\t<div class='wrap {self.animation}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='content-{self.horizontal_alignment}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<h2>{self.heading}</h2>\n"
for content in self.contents:
if type(content) == str: # If the current peice of content is a str
result += f"\t\t\t\t\t<p>{content}</p>\n"
elif type(content) == list or type(content) == tuple: # If the current peice of content is a list or tuple
result += f"\t\t\t\t\t<div class='grid {'content-' + self.horizontal_alignment if not self.horizontal_alignment == 'right' else ''}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul style='text-align:justify;'>\n"
for bullet_point in content: # Iterate through each element in the list/tuple
result += f"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{bullet_point}</li>\n"
result += "\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n"
elif isinstance(content, _Component) or type(SocialLink): # If the current peice of content is a Component
result += content.__html__()
result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</section>\n"
yield result
def __html__(self):
"""Generates the markup for each slide"""
result = ""
for content in self._generate_content():
result+= content
return result
class Presentation:
"""The class for defining the presentation configuration, and primary entrypoint to exporting presentations
title: (str)
The title of the presentation
description: (str)
The description of the presentation
url: (str)
The canonical URL the presentation will be deployed at
slides: List[Slide]
The slides to generate the presentation with, optional and defaults to Slide.all
background: (str)
What color the intro slie and default slide background color should be, optional defaults to 'white'
image: (Image or False)
Path to background image to use for og tags, and intro slide, optional defaults to False
endcard: (bool)
Whether to add the endcard, optional defaults to True
intro: (bool)
Generate an introduction slide with the background image, title, and description, optional defaults to True
favicon: (Image or False)
The image to use for the favicon, optional defaults to False
vertical: (bool)
Whether the slideshow should be vertical or not, optional defaults to False
navbar: (Navbar or False)
The navbar for the site, optional defaults to False
footer: (Footer or False)
The footer for the site, optional defaults to False
Exports the presentation files
### Creating a presentation and exporting it to ./Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation
prez = Presentation(title, description, url)
# Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found
prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
### Creating a presentation with a slide and exporting it to ./Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation, Slide
# This slide is auto-added to the Presentation object by default
Slide('This is the title', 'and this is the content')
prez = Presentation(title, description, url)
# Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found
prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
title: str
description: str
url: str
intro: bool = True
endcard: bool = True
vertical: bool = False
background: str = "white"
image: Union[bool, Image] = False
favicon: Union[bool, Image] = False
navbar: Union[bool, Navbar] = False
footer: Union[bool, Footer] = False
slides: List[Slide] = field(default_factory=lambda: Slide.all)
def _generate_favicon_markup(self):
"""Generates the html to render the favicon properly"""
if self.favicon:
return f'''<!-- FAVICONS -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon icon" sizes="76x76" href="./static/images/{self.favicon.filename}">'''
return f'''<!-- FAVICONS -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon icon" sizes="76x76" href="static/images/favicons/favicon-152.png">'''
def _generate_intro_slide(self):
"""Generates the first slide in a presentation"""
if self.intro:
if self.image:
return f"""\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background}'>
<span class='background' style='background-image:url("./static/images/{self.image.filename}")'></span>
<div class='wrap aligncenter'>
<p class='text-intro'>{self.description}</p>
return f"""\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background}'>
<div class='wrap aligncenter'>
<p class='text-intro'>{self.description}</p>
def _generate_endcard(self) -> str:
"""Generates the slide that goes at the end of Presentation's"""
if self.endcard:
return f"""\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background}'>
<div class='wrap aligncenter'>
<h2><strong>Thank you</strong></h2>
<h4 class='text-intro'>This presentation was made with the help of</h4>
<strong><em><a href='' target='_blank'>WebSlides</a></em></strong>
<strong><em><a href='' target='_blank'>ezprez</a></em></strong>
return ""
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of slides in the presentation"""
return len(self.slides)
def __html__(self) -> str:
"""Generates the index.html file of a presentation using the provided slides"""
slides_html = ""
slide_iterator = tqdm(self.slides)
slide_iterator.set_description_str("Generating slide content")
for slide in slide_iterator:
if not slide.background:
slide.background = self.background
slides_html += slide.__html__()
result = f'''<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" prefix="og:">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- SEO -->
<meta name="description" content="{self.description}">
<link rel="canonical" href="{self.url}">
<!-- Google Fonts -->
<link href=",100i,300,300i,400,400i,700,700i%7CMaitree:200,300,400,600,700&subset=latin-ext" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- CSS WebSlides -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' media='all' href="static/css/webslides.css">
<!-- Optional - CSS SVG Icons (Font Awesome) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-+4zCK9k+qNFUR5X+cKL9EIR+ZOhtIloNl9GIKS57V1MyNsYpYcUrUeQc9vNfzsWfV28IaLL3i96P9sdNyeRssA==" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<!-- FACEBOOK -->
<meta property="og:url" content="{self.url}">
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:title" content="{self.title}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{self.description}">
<meta property="og:updated_time" content="{}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{self.image if self.image else "static/images/share-webslides.jpg"}">
<!-- TWITTER -->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{self.title}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{self.description}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{self.image if self.image else "static/images/share-webslides.jpg"}">
<!-- Android -->
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#f0f0f0">
<!-- Code highlighting -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
{self.navbar.__html__() if self.navbar else ""}
<main role='main'>
<article id='webslides' {'class="vertical"' if self.vertical else ""}>
<!-- end article -->
<!-- end main -->
<!-- Required -->
<script src='static/js/webslides.js'></script>
<script> = new WebSlides();
<!-- OPTIONAL - svg-icons.js ( - Font Awesome as svg icons) -->
<script defer src='static/js/svg-icons.js'></script>
{self.footer.__html__() if self.footer else ""}
return result
def export(self, file_path:str, folder_name:Union[str, bool] = False, force:bool = False):
"""Exports the presentation files
file_path : (str)
The path to export the folder of content to
folder_name : (str or False)
If you want to overwrite the folder name the output files are put in (defaults to Presentation.title), optional and defaults to False
force : (bool)
Whether to force generating files (overwrite existing files if found), optional and defaults to False
- all files are exported to file_path/folder_name
- folder_name defaults to Presenation.title
If force is False, and a folder exists at file_path/folder_name
### Export a presentation to the current directory at /Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation
prez = Presentation(title, description, url)
# Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation
prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
if not folder_name:
folder_name = self.title
file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
# finding downloads folder
if == "nt":
DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = f"{os.getenv('USERPROFILE')}\\Downloads"
else: # PORT: Assuming variable is there for MacOS and Linux installs
DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = f"{os.getenv('HOME')}/Downloads"
# check if webslides is downloaded, if it is use those files, if not download and extract it
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")):
build(ZIPResource("webslides", "", overwrite_agreement=True))
copytree(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, "webslides"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"))
except PermissionError:
copytree(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, "webslides"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"))
copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name))
except FileExistsError:
if force:
rmtree(os.path.join(file_path, folder_name))
copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name))
raise FileExistsError(f"The file path {os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)} exists, to replace use Presentation.export({file_path}, force=True)")
# Copy image files
if os.path.exists("./img"):
for file_name in os.listdir("./img"):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("img", file_name)):
copyfile(os.path.join("img", file_name), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "static", "images", file_name))
elif os.path.exists("./images"):
for file_name in os.listdir("./images"):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("images", file_name)):
copyfile(os.path.join("images", file_name), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "static", "images", file_name))
# replace index.html with generated html
presentation_content = self.__html__()
index_path = os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "index.html")
print(f"Writing html to {index_path}")
with open(index_path, "w+") as presentation_file:
class Presentation (title: str, description: str, url: str, intro: bool = True, endcard: bool = True, vertical: bool = False, background: str = 'white', image: Union[bool, Image] = False, favicon: Union[bool, Image] = False, navbar: Union[bool, Navbar] = False, footer: Union[bool, Footer] = False, slides: List[Slide] = <factory>)
The class for defining the presentation configuration, and primary entrypoint to exporting presentations
- The title of the presentation
- The description of the presentation
- The canonical URL the presentation will be deployed at
- The slides to generate the presentation with, optional and defaults to Slide.all
- What color the intro slie and default slide background color should be, optional defaults to 'white'
- Path to background image to use for og tags, and intro slide, optional defaults to False
- Whether to add the endcard, optional defaults to True
- Generate an introduction slide with the background image, title, and description, optional defaults to True
- The image to use for the favicon, optional defaults to False
- Whether the slideshow should be vertical or not, optional defaults to False
- The navbar for the site, optional defaults to False
- The footer for the site, optional defaults to False
export: Exports the presentation files
Creating a presentation and exporting it to ./Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
Creating a presentation with a slide and exporting it to ./Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation, Slide # This slide is auto-added to the Presentation object by default Slide('This is the title', 'and this is the content') prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
Expand source code
@dataclass class Presentation: """The class for defining the presentation configuration, and primary entrypoint to exporting presentations Attributes ---------- title: (str) The title of the presentation description: (str) The description of the presentation url: (str) The canonical URL the presentation will be deployed at slides: List[Slide] The slides to generate the presentation with, optional and defaults to Slide.all background: (str) What color the intro slie and default slide background color should be, optional defaults to 'white' image: (Image or False) Path to background image to use for og tags, and intro slide, optional defaults to False endcard: (bool) Whether to add the endcard, optional defaults to True intro: (bool) Generate an introduction slide with the background image, title, and description, optional defaults to True favicon: (Image or False) The image to use for the favicon, optional defaults to False vertical: (bool) Whether the slideshow should be vertical or not, optional defaults to False navbar: (Navbar or False) The navbar for the site, optional defaults to False footer: (Footer or False) The footer for the site, optional defaults to False Methods ------- export: Exports the presentation files Examples -------- ### Creating a presentation and exporting it to ./Presentation ``` from ezprez.core import Presentation prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation") ``` ### Creating a presentation with a slide and exporting it to ./Presentation ``` from ezprez.core import Presentation, Slide # This slide is auto-added to the Presentation object by default Slide('This is the title', 'and this is the content') prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation, and delete existing files if they're found prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation") ``` """ title: str description: str url: str intro: bool = True endcard: bool = True vertical: bool = False background: str = "white" image: Union[bool, Image] = False favicon: Union[bool, Image] = False navbar: Union[bool, Navbar] = False footer: Union[bool, Footer] = False slides: List[Slide] = field(default_factory=lambda: Slide.all) def _generate_favicon_markup(self): """Generates the html to render the favicon properly""" if self.favicon: return f'''<!-- FAVICONS --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon icon" sizes="76x76" href="./static/images/{self.favicon.filename}">''' else: return f'''<!-- FAVICONS --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon icon" sizes="76x76" href="static/images/favicons/favicon-152.png">''' def _generate_intro_slide(self): """Generates the first slide in a presentation""" if self.intro: if self.image: return f"""\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background}'> <span class='background' style='background-image:url("./static/images/{self.image.filename}")'></span> <div class='wrap aligncenter'> <h1><strong>{self.title}</strong></h1> <p class='text-intro'>{self.description}</p> </div> </section>""" else: return f"""\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background}'> <div class='wrap aligncenter'> <h1><strong>{self.title}</strong></h1> <p class='text-intro'>{self.description}</p> </div> </section>""" def _generate_endcard(self) -> str: """Generates the slide that goes at the end of Presentation's""" if self.endcard: return f"""\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background}'> <div class='wrap aligncenter'> <h2><strong>Thank you</strong></h2> <h4 class='text-intro'>This presentation was made with the help of</h4> <h4> <strong><em><a href='' target='_blank'>WebSlides</a></em></strong> </h4> <h4> <strong><em><a href='' target='_blank'>ezprez</a></em></strong> </h4> </div> </section>""" else: return "" def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns the number of slides in the presentation""" return len(self.slides) def __html__(self) -> str: """Generates the index.html file of a presentation using the provided slides""" slides_html = "" slide_iterator = tqdm(self.slides) slide_iterator.set_description_str("Generating slide content") for slide in slide_iterator: if not slide.background: slide.background = self.background slides_html += slide.__html__() result = f'''<!doctype html> <html lang="en" prefix="og:"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- SEO --> <title>{self.title}</title> <meta name="description" content="{self.description}"> <!-- URL CANONICAL --> <link rel="canonical" href="{self.url}"> <!-- Google Fonts --> <link href=",100i,300,300i,400,400i,700,700i%7CMaitree:200,300,400,600,700&subset=latin-ext" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- CSS WebSlides --> <link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css' media='all' href="static/css/webslides.css"> <!-- Optional - CSS SVG Icons (Font Awesome) --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-+4zCK9k+qNFUR5X+cKL9EIR+ZOhtIloNl9GIKS57V1MyNsYpYcUrUeQc9vNfzsWfV28IaLL3i96P9sdNyeRssA==" crossorigin="anonymous" /> <!-- SOCIAL CARDS (ADD YOUR INFO) --> <!-- FACEBOOK --> <meta property="og:url" content="{self.url}"> <meta property="og:type" content="article"> <meta property="og:title" content="{self.title}"> <meta property="og:description" content="{self.description}"> <meta property="og:updated_time" content="{}"> <meta property="og:image" content="{self.image if self.image else "static/images/share-webslides.jpg"}"> <!-- TWITTER --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="{self.title}"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="{self.description}"> <meta name="twitter:image" content="{self.image if self.image else "static/images/share-webslides.jpg"}"> {self._generate_favicon_markup()} <!-- Android --> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#f0f0f0"> <!-- Code highlighting --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script> </head> {self.navbar.__html__() if self.navbar else ""} <body> <main role='main'> <article id='webslides' {'class="vertical"' if self.vertical else ""}> {self._generate_intro_slide()} {slides_html} {self._generate_endcard()} </article> <!-- end article --> </main> <!-- end main --> <!-- Required --> <script src='static/js/webslides.js'></script> <script> = new WebSlides(); </script> <!-- OPTIONAL - svg-icons.js ( - Font Awesome as svg icons) --> <script defer src='static/js/svg-icons.js'></script> </body> {self.footer.__html__() if self.footer else ""} </html> ''' return result def export(self, file_path:str, folder_name:Union[str, bool] = False, force:bool = False): """Exports the presentation files Parameters ---------- file_path : (str) The path to export the folder of content to folder_name : (str or False) If you want to overwrite the folder name the output files are put in (defaults to Presentation.title), optional and defaults to False force : (bool) Whether to force generating files (overwrite existing files if found), optional and defaults to False Notes ----- - all files are exported to file_path/folder_name - folder_name defaults to Presenation.title Raises ------ FileExistsError If force is False, and a folder exists at file_path/folder_name Examples -------- ### Export a presentation to the current directory at /Presentation ``` from ezprez.core import Presentation prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation") ``` """ if not folder_name: folder_name = self.title file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) # finding downloads folder if == "nt": DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = f"{os.getenv('USERPROFILE')}\\Downloads" else: # PORT: Assuming variable is there for MacOS and Linux installs DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = f"{os.getenv('HOME')}/Downloads" # check if webslides is downloaded, if it is use those files, if not download and extract it if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")): try: build(ZIPResource("webslides", "", overwrite_agreement=True)) copytree(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, "webslides"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")) except PermissionError: elevate() copytree(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, "webslides"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")) try: copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)) except FileExistsError: if force: rmtree(os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)) copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)) else: raise FileExistsError(f"The file path {os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)} exists, to replace use Presentation.export({file_path}, force=True)") # Copy image files if os.path.exists("./img"): for file_name in os.listdir("./img"): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("img", file_name)): copyfile(os.path.join("img", file_name), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "static", "images", file_name)) elif os.path.exists("./images"): for file_name in os.listdir("./images"): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("images", file_name)): copyfile(os.path.join("images", file_name), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "static", "images", file_name)) # replace index.html with generated html presentation_content = self.__html__() index_path = os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "index.html") print(f"Writing html to {index_path}") with open(index_path, "w+") as presentation_file: presentation_file.write(presentation_content)
Class variables
var background : str
var description : str
var endcard : bool
var favicon : Union[bool, Image]
var image : Union[bool, Image]
var intro : bool
var slides : List[Slide]
var title : str
var url : str
var vertical : bool
def export(self, file_path: str, folder_name: Union[str, bool] = False, force: bool = False)
Exports the presentation files
- The path to export the folder of content to
- If you want to overwrite the folder name the output files are put in (defaults to Presentation.title), optional and defaults to False
- Whether to force generating files (overwrite existing files if found), optional and defaults to False
- all files are exported to file_path/folder_name
- folder_name defaults to Presenation.title
- If force is False, and a folder exists at file_path/folder_name
Export a presentation to the current directory at /Presentation
from ezprez.core import Presentation prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation")
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def export(self, file_path:str, folder_name:Union[str, bool] = False, force:bool = False): """Exports the presentation files Parameters ---------- file_path : (str) The path to export the folder of content to folder_name : (str or False) If you want to overwrite the folder name the output files are put in (defaults to Presentation.title), optional and defaults to False force : (bool) Whether to force generating files (overwrite existing files if found), optional and defaults to False Notes ----- - all files are exported to file_path/folder_name - folder_name defaults to Presenation.title Raises ------ FileExistsError If force is False, and a folder exists at file_path/folder_name Examples -------- ### Export a presentation to the current directory at /Presentation ``` from ezprez.core import Presentation prez = Presentation(title, description, url) # Export the files to the current directory at /Presentation prez.export(".", force=True, folder_name="Presentation") ``` """ if not folder_name: folder_name = self.title file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) # finding downloads folder if == "nt": DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = f"{os.getenv('USERPROFILE')}\\Downloads" else: # PORT: Assuming variable is there for MacOS and Linux installs DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = f"{os.getenv('HOME')}/Downloads" # check if webslides is downloaded, if it is use those files, if not download and extract it if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")): try: build(ZIPResource("webslides", "", overwrite_agreement=True)) copytree(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, "webslides"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")) except PermissionError: elevate() copytree(os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, "webslides"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides")) try: copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)) except FileExistsError: if force: rmtree(os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)) copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "webslides"), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)) else: raise FileExistsError(f"The file path {os.path.join(file_path, folder_name)} exists, to replace use Presentation.export({file_path}, force=True)") # Copy image files if os.path.exists("./img"): for file_name in os.listdir("./img"): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("img", file_name)): copyfile(os.path.join("img", file_name), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "static", "images", file_name)) elif os.path.exists("./images"): for file_name in os.listdir("./images"): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("images", file_name)): copyfile(os.path.join("images", file_name), os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "static", "images", file_name)) # replace index.html with generated html presentation_content = self.__html__() index_path = os.path.join(file_path, folder_name, "index.html") print(f"Writing html to {index_path}") with open(index_path, "w+") as presentation_file: presentation_file.write(presentation_content)
class Slide (heading: str, *contents: Union[str, list, tuple, ezprez.components._Component], background: Union[bool, str] = False, horizontal_alignment: str = 'center', vertical_alignment: str = 'center', image: Union[bool, Image] = False, animation: str = 'fadeIn')
The class that is used to generate slides that are fed into the Presentation object
Class Variables
all: (List[Slide]) Contains all slide instances that have been instatiated, accessed through Slide.all
- The slide's title/heading
:(str, list,
- An arbitrary number of strings, lists or Component subclasses that make up the contents of the slide
- The background color of the slide (see notes), optional by default False
- An image to use as a background for the slide, optional by default False
- Where to align the slide contents horizontally, optional defaults to 'center'
- Where to align the slide contents vertically, optional defaults to 'center'
- Which animation to use for slide transition, optional defaults to 'fadeIn'
- Horizontal alignment can be left, right or center
- Vertical alignment can be top, bottom or center
- Background colors available can be found at; just make sure to remove 'bg', so for example 'bg-black' becomes 'black'
- Contents is an unpacked variable, meaning you just specify multiple sets of contents such as Slide(title, 'this is content', ['and', 'so', 'is', 'this'], Button('This to', '#'))
- Animation can be fadeIn, fadeInUp, zoomIn, slideInLeft, slideInRight
- You can also add 'slow' to the end of any animation to slow the animation i.e. 'zoomIn slow'
Create a basic text slide
from ezprez.core import Slide from ezprez.components import Button Slide('Here is a text slide', 'and this is the text')
Create a slide with some text, a list, and a button
from ezprez.core import Slide from ezprez.components import Button Slide('This is the title...', '... and this is content', ['and', 'so', 'is', 'this'], Button('This to', '#'))
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class Slide: """The class that is used to generate slides that are fed into the Presentation object Class Variables --------------- all: (List[Slide]) Contains all slide instances that have been instatiated, accessed through Slide.all Attributes ---------- heading: (str) The slide's title/heading contents: (str, list, or Component) An arbitrary number of strings, lists or Component subclasses that make up the contents of the slide background: (False or str) The background color of the slide (see notes), optional by default False image: (False or Image) An image to use as a background for the slide, optional by default False horizontal_alignment: (str) Where to align the slide contents horizontally, optional defaults to 'center' vertical_alignment: (str) Where to align the slide contents vertically, optional defaults to 'center' animation: (str) Which animation to use for slide transition, optional defaults to 'fadeIn' Notes ----- - Horizontal alignment can be left, right or center - Vertical alignment can be top, bottom or center - Background colors available can be found at; just make sure to remove 'bg', so for example 'bg-black' becomes 'black' - Contents is an unpacked variable, meaning you just specify multiple sets of contents such as Slide(title, 'this is content', ['and', 'so', 'is', 'this'], Button('This to', '#')) - Animation can be fadeIn, fadeInUp, zoomIn, slideInLeft, slideInRight - You can also add 'slow' to the end of any animation to slow the animation i.e. 'zoomIn slow' Examples -------- ### Create a basic text slide ``` from ezprez.core import Slide from ezprez.components import Button Slide('Here is a text slide', 'and this is the text') ``` ### Create a slide with some text, a list, and a button ``` from ezprez.core import Slide from ezprez.components import Button Slide('This is the title...', '... and this is content', ['and', 'so', 'is', 'this'], Button('This to', '#')) ``` """ all = [] def __init__(self, heading:str, *contents:Union[str, list, tuple, _Component], background:Union[bool,str] = False, horizontal_alignment:str = "center", vertical_alignment:str = "center", image:Union[bool, Image]=False, animation:str = "fadeIn" ): # Assign class attributes self.image = image self.heading = heading self.contents = contents self.background = background self.vertical_alignment = vertical_alignment self.horizontal_alignment = horizontal_alignment self.animation = animation # Append slide to the class variable Slide.all Slide.all.append(self) def _generate_content(self): """Generates the necessary html with the provided contents""" result = f"\n\t\t\t<section class='bg-{self.background} slide-{self.vertical_alignment}'>" if self.image: result += f"\n\t\t\t\t<span class='background' style='background-image:url(\"./static/images/{self.image.filename}\")'></span>" result += f"\n\t\t\t\t<div class='wrap {self.animation}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='content-{self.horizontal_alignment}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<h2>{self.heading}</h2>\n" for content in self.contents: if type(content) == str: # If the current peice of content is a str result += f"\t\t\t\t\t<p>{content}</p>\n" elif type(content) == list or type(content) == tuple: # If the current peice of content is a list or tuple result += f"\t\t\t\t\t<div class='grid {'content-' + self.horizontal_alignment if not self.horizontal_alignment == 'right' else ''}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul style='text-align:justify;'>\n" for bullet_point in content: # Iterate through each element in the list/tuple result += f"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{bullet_point}</li>\n" result += "\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n" elif isinstance(content, _Component) or type(SocialLink): # If the current peice of content is a Component result += content.__html__() result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</section>\n" yield result def __html__(self): """Generates the markup for each slide""" result = "" for content in self._generate_content(): result+= content return result
Class variables
var all