Module ezprez.components

The module that contains all component subclasses that can be used to generate Slide content


Can be used to create a social media link icon, or just the icon

A component for generating web links


A component for adding code demos with syntax highlighting


A component that generates an icon

Allows you to add a footer to the presentation

Allows you to add a navbar to the presentation


A component that allows you to add html buttons


A component that dumps provided raw html


A component used to generate table of contents for a presentation


A component that allows you to embed a youtube video


A component to include images


A component that allows you to evenly space multiple peices of content

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"""The module that contains all component subclasses that can be used to generate Slide content

#### SocialLink
Can be used to create a social media link icon, or just the icon

#### Link
A component for generating web links

#### Code
A component for adding code demos with syntax highlighting

#### Icon
A component that generates an icon

#### F‎ooter_
Allows you to add a footer to the presentation

#### Navbar
Allows you to add a navbar to the presentation

#### Button
A component that allows you to add html buttons

#### Raw
A component that dumps provided raw html

#### TableOfContents
A component used to generate table of contents for a presentation

#### Video
A component that allows you to embed a youtube video

#### Image
A component to include images

#### Grid
A component that allows you to evenly space multiple peices of content
# Internal Dependencies
from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass

class _Component(ABC):
    """Base class used for type checking, and inheritance on all components"""
    def __html__(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError("Components require a __html__() method to be defined")

class SocialLink(_Component):
    """Can be used to create a social media link icon, or just the icon

    - If you don't add a url then the SocialLink will just return the icon
    - Icons include, github, twitch, youtube, linkedin, snapchat, etc. (full list:

    ### Adding an icon link to someone's github in a navbar
    from ezprez.core import Presentation
    from ezprez.components import SocialLink, Navbar

    header = Navbar('Basic web technologies', [SocialLink("github", ""))
    Presentation(title, url, content, navbar=header)

    ### Adding an icon with no link to a Slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import SocialLink

    Slide('This is a youtube icon with no link', SocialLink("youtube"))
    url:str = ""
    icon_color:str = "#141414"

    def __html__(self, header:bool = False) -> str:
        if header:
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='{self.url}' target='_blank' rel='external' style='background-color:#fff; color:{str(self.icon_color)};'>
                                <i class='fab fa-{} fa-3x'></i>
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='{self.url}' target='_blank' rel='external' style='color:{str(self.icon_color)};'>
                                <i class='fab fa-{} fa-3x'></i>

class Link(_Component):
    """A component for generating web links

    label : (str)
        The text shown that the link is applied to

    link : (str)
        The link to tie the label to

    ### Add a link to google to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Link

    Slide('This is a link to Google', Link('Click this to go to google', ''))
    label: str
    link: str
    color: str = "#4dd"

    def __html__(self, header:bool = False) -> str:
        if not header:
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href={} target='_blank' rel='external' style='color:{self.color};'>{self.label}</a>\n"""
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href={} target='_blank' rel='external' style='background-color:#fff; color:#141414;'>{self.label}</a>\n"""

class Code(_Component):
    """A component for adding code demos with syntax highlighting

    language: (str)
        The programming language (Supports all the common languages listed on )

    content: (str)
        The code to show off

    - Uses highlightJS for syntax highlighting:

    ### Add some html example code to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Code

    Slide("Here is some example html", Code("html", "<p>This is some example code</p>"))
    language: str
    content: str

    def _escape(self) -> str:
        """Escapes self.content so it's HTML safe

            The escaped string of content
        self.content = self.content.replace("<", "&lt").replace(">", "&gt").replace("&", "&amp")
        return self.content

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return f"""\t\t\t\t\t<pre><code class='language-{self.language.lower()}'>{self._escape()}</code></pre>\n"""

class Icon(_Component):
    """A component that generates an icon

    label: (str)
        The icon name i.e. 'fa-heart' (details at

    size: (str), optional;
        The size of icon, i.e. 60px, defaults to 48px

    ### Put a heart icon in the middle of a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Icon

    Slide("This is a heart icon", Icon("fa-heart"))
    label: str
    size: str = "48px"
    color: str = "#141414"

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return f"""\t\t\t\t\t<svg class='{self.label}' style='width:{self.size};height:{self.size};color:{self.color};'><use xlink:href='#{self.label}'></use></svg>\n"""

class Footer(_Component):
    """Allows you to add a footer to the presentation

    links: (list[Link or SocialLink])
        A list of Link's or SocialLink's to include in the footer

    ### Adding a footer with a github link to a presentation
    from ezprez.core import Presentation
    from ezprez.components import Footer

    foot = Footer(["")])
    Presentation(title, description, url, footer=foot)
    links: List[Union[Link, SocialLink]]

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        result =f"""

        for link in self.links:
            if type(link) == Link or type(link) == SocialLink:
                result += f"\n\t\t\t{link.__html__()}\n"
                raise ValueError(f"Footer arguments must be of type ezprez.components.Link or ezprez.components.SocialLink, got \n\ttype {type(link)}\n\tValue{link}")

        result += """
        return result

class Button(_Component):
    """A component that allows you to add html buttons

    label: (str)
        The text that is shown on the button
    url: (str)
        The url the button links to
    icon: (False or Icon)
        Provide an Icon component to display in the button, optional and defaults to False
    ghost: (bool)
        Whether to not fill a color, optional and defaults to False
    rounding: (bool)
        Whether to round the corners of the button or not, optional and defaults to True
    color: (False or str)
        The color of the button, optional and defaults to False
    text_color: (False or str)
        The color of the button text, optional and defaults to False

    - The color and text_color attribute takes an HTML color as a string i.e. #f0f0f0, blue, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)
    - If ghost is set to True all other colors will be ignored
    - The URL parameter also can use anchor links to other slides

    ### Adding a button to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Button

    b = Button("click me", "")
    Slide("Here's a button", b)
    label: str # The text to put inside the button
    url: str # The url to link the button to
    icon: Union[bool, Icon] = False # The icon to put on the button (if you want one)
    ghost: bool = False # Whether to fill in a color or use ghost styling
    rounding: bool = True # Whether to round
    color: Union[bool, str] = False # The color to make the button
    text_color: Union[bool, str] = False # The color to make the button text

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        color_string = ""
        if self.color and self.text_color and not self.ghost:
            color_string = f"style='background-color:{self.color};color:{self.text_color};'"
        elif self.color or self.text_color and not self.ghost:
            color_string = "style="
            if self.color:
                color_string += f'\"background-color:{self.color};\"'
            if self.text_color:
                color_string += f'\"color:{self.text_color};\"'

        return f"""\n\t\t\t<a href='{self.url}' class='button{' ghost' if self.ghost else ''}{' radius' if self.rounding else ''}' {color_string}>{self.icon.__html__() if self.icon else ''} {self.label} </a>\n"""

class Navbar(_Component):
    """Allows you to add a navbar to the presentation

    title: (str)
        The presentation title (used for accessibility reasons)

    links: (list[Link or SocialLink])
        A list of Link's or SocialLink's to include in the Navbar

    ### Adding a Navbar with a github link to a presentation
    from ezprez.core import Presentation
    from ezprez.components import Navbar

    nav = Navbar('Presentation title', ["")])
    Presentation(title, description, url, navbar=nav)
    title: str
    links: List[Union[Link, SocialLink]]

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        result =f"""
        <header role="banner">
            <nav role="navigation">
                <p class="logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="{self.title}">{self.title}</a></p>

        for link in self.links:
            if type(link) == Link or type(link) == SocialLink:
                result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>{link.__html__(header=True)}</li>\n"
                raise ValueError(f"Navbar arguments must be of type ezprez.components.Link or ezprez.components.SocialLink, got \n\ttype {type(link)}\n\tValue{link}")
        result += """

        return result

class Raw(_Component):
    """A component that dumps provided raw html

    content: (str) 
        The HTML content to generate

    ### Add a manual paragraph tag to a Slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Raw

    content = '<p>This is some text</p>'

    Slide('This is some raw content', Raw(content))

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return self.content

class TableOfContents(_Component):
    """A component used to generate table of contents for a presentation

    sections: (dict)
        A dictionary of {label:slide_number}'s to generate the table of contents with

    ### Create a table of contents Slide for a presentation
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import TableOfContents

    # The argument is a dictionary where each key is the label in the table
    # and each value is the slide number
    sections = {'Intro':2, 'End': 5}

    Slide('Table of contents', TableOfContents(sections))
    sections: dict

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        result = "\n\t\t<hr>\n\t\t<div class='toc'>\n\t\t\t<ol>"
        for section_title in self.sections:
            result += f"\n\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#slide={self.sections[section_title]}' title='Go to {section_title}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='chapter'>{section_title}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='toc-page'>{self.sections[section_title]}</span>\n\t\t\t\t</a></li>"
        result += "\n\t\t\t</ol>\n\t\t</div>\n"
        return result 

class Video(_Component):
    """A component that allows you to embed a youtube video

    video_id: (str)
        The youtube video id, for example if the url is then the id is 'wSVljLh1VmI'

    ### Adding a youtube video to a Slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Video

    Slide('Here is a video', Video('wSVljLh1VmI'))
    video_id: str

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return f"""\n\t\t\t\t<div class='embed'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<iframe src='{self.video_id}' frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen ></iframe>\n\t\t\t\t</div> """

class Image(_Component):
    """A component to include images

    title: (str) 
        The alternate text to describe what an image is

    filename: (str)
        The filename of the image

    browser: (bool)
        If true you can add a browser window border to the image

    width: (int or False)
        Used to override the width of an image, optional and defaults to False

    height: (int or False)
        Used to override the height of an image, optional and defaults to False

    - All images must be included in the same directory as the presentation source file under /img or /images

    ### Add an image to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Image

    Slide("This is an image", Image("low poly ice caps", "kieran-wood-lp-ice-caps-4k-w-peng.jpg"))

    ### Add a background image to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Image

    Slide("This is a background image", image=Image("low poly ice caps", "kieran-wood-abstract-landscape.jpg"), background="black")
    title: str
    filename: str
    browser: bool = False
    width: Union[bool, int] = False
    height: Union[bool, int] = False

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        if not self.browser:
            return f"""<img src='./static/images/{self.filename}' alt='{self.title}'{f' width={self.width} ' if self.width else ''} {f' height={self.height} ' if self.height else ''}>"""
            return f"""<figure class='browser'><img src='./static/images/{self.filename}' alt='{self.title}'{f' width={self.width} ' if self.width else ''} {f' height={self.height} ' if self.height else ''}></figure>\n """

class Grid(_Component):
    """A component that allows you to evenly space multiple peices of content

    contents: (Component, str, List[Component], List[str])
        The contents you want to include in the grid

    ### Add a grid with content
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Grid

    Slide("You can also have grids", Grid("With", "Lots", "of", "content"))

    ### Add a slide of a grid of lists
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Grid

    Slide("Like, alot of content...", Grid(["You can stack content within grids", ["like this", "and this", "and even this"]], ["This is getting too much now", ["way", "way way", "too much"]]))
    def __init__(self, *contents:Union[_Component, str, List[_Component], List[str]]):
        self.contents = contents

    def __html__(self):
        result = "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='grid'>"
        for content in self.contents:
            if type(content) == str:
                result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='column'><p>{content}</p></div>\n"
            elif isinstance(content, _Component):
                result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='column'>"
                result += content.__html__()
                result += "</div>"
            elif type(content) == list:
                result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='column'>"
                for subcontent in content:
                    if isinstance(subcontent, _Component):
                        result += subcontent.__html__()
                    elif type(subcontent) == str:
                        result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>{subcontent}</p>\n"
                    elif type(subcontent) == list:
                        result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t<ul>"
                        for point in subcontent:
                            result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>{point}</li>\n"
                        result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>"
                result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"
                raise ValueError(f"Provided content to Grid was {type(content)}, which is not List, Component or string")
        return result


class Button (label: str, url: str, icon: Union[bool, Icon] = False, ghost: bool = False, rounding: bool = True, color: Union[bool, str] = False, text_color: Union[bool, str] = False)

A component that allows you to add html buttons


label : (str)
The text that is shown on the button
url : (str)
The url the button links to
icon : (False or Icon)
Provide an Icon component to display in the button, optional and defaults to False
ghost : (bool)
Whether to not fill a color, optional and defaults to False
rounding : (bool)
Whether to round the corners of the button or not, optional and defaults to True
color : (False or str)
The color of the button, optional and defaults to False
text_color : (False or str)
The color of the button text, optional and defaults to False


  • The color and text_color attribute takes an HTML color as a string i.e. #f0f0f0, blue, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)
  • If ghost is set to True all other colors will be ignored
  • The URL parameter also can use anchor links to other slides


Adding a button to a slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Button

b = Button("click me", "")
Slide("Here's a button", b)
Expand source code
class Button(_Component):
    """A component that allows you to add html buttons

    label: (str)
        The text that is shown on the button
    url: (str)
        The url the button links to
    icon: (False or Icon)
        Provide an Icon component to display in the button, optional and defaults to False
    ghost: (bool)
        Whether to not fill a color, optional and defaults to False
    rounding: (bool)
        Whether to round the corners of the button or not, optional and defaults to True
    color: (False or str)
        The color of the button, optional and defaults to False
    text_color: (False or str)
        The color of the button text, optional and defaults to False

    - The color and text_color attribute takes an HTML color as a string i.e. #f0f0f0, blue, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)
    - If ghost is set to True all other colors will be ignored
    - The URL parameter also can use anchor links to other slides

    ### Adding a button to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Button

    b = Button("click me", "")
    Slide("Here's a button", b)
    label: str # The text to put inside the button
    url: str # The url to link the button to
    icon: Union[bool, Icon] = False # The icon to put on the button (if you want one)
    ghost: bool = False # Whether to fill in a color or use ghost styling
    rounding: bool = True # Whether to round
    color: Union[bool, str] = False # The color to make the button
    text_color: Union[bool, str] = False # The color to make the button text

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        color_string = ""
        if self.color and self.text_color and not self.ghost:
            color_string = f"style='background-color:{self.color};color:{self.text_color};'"
        elif self.color or self.text_color and not self.ghost:
            color_string = "style="
            if self.color:
                color_string += f'\"background-color:{self.color};\"'
            if self.text_color:
                color_string += f'\"color:{self.text_color};\"'

        return f"""\n\t\t\t<a href='{self.url}' class='button{' ghost' if self.ghost else ''}{' radius' if self.rounding else ''}' {color_string}>{self.icon.__html__() if self.icon else ''} {self.label} </a>\n"""


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var color : Union[bool, str]
var ghost : bool
var icon : Union[bool, Icon]
var label : str
var rounding : bool
var text_color : Union[bool, str]
var url : str
class Code (language: str, content: str)

A component for adding code demos with syntax highlighting


language : (str)
The programming language (Supports all the common languages listed on )
content : (str)
The code to show off



Add some html example code to a slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Code

Slide("Here is some example html", Code("html", "<p>This is some example code</p>"))
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class Code(_Component):
    """A component for adding code demos with syntax highlighting

    language: (str)
        The programming language (Supports all the common languages listed on )

    content: (str)
        The code to show off

    - Uses highlightJS for syntax highlighting:

    ### Add some html example code to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Code

    Slide("Here is some example html", Code("html", "<p>This is some example code</p>"))
    language: str
    content: str

    def _escape(self) -> str:
        """Escapes self.content so it's HTML safe

            The escaped string of content
        self.content = self.content.replace("<", "&lt").replace(">", "&gt").replace("&", "&amp")
        return self.content

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return f"""\t\t\t\t\t<pre><code class='language-{self.language.lower()}'>{self._escape()}</code></pre>\n"""


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var content : str
var language : str
class Footer (links: List[Union[LinkSocialLink]])

Allows you to add a footer to the presentation


links : (list[Link or SocialLink])
A list of Link's or SocialLink's to include in the footer


from ezprez.core import Presentation
from ezprez.components import Footer

foot = Footer(["")])
Presentation(title, description, url, footer=foot)
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class Footer(_Component):
    """Allows you to add a footer to the presentation

    links: (list[Link or SocialLink])
        A list of Link's or SocialLink's to include in the footer

    ### Adding a footer with a github link to a presentation
    from ezprez.core import Presentation
    from ezprez.components import Footer

    foot = Footer(["")])
    Presentation(title, description, url, footer=foot)
    links: List[Union[Link, SocialLink]]

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        result =f"""

        for link in self.links:
            if type(link) == Link or type(link) == SocialLink:
                result += f"\n\t\t\t{link.__html__()}\n"
                raise ValueError(f"Footer arguments must be of type ezprez.components.Link or ezprez.components.SocialLink, got \n\ttype {type(link)}\n\tValue{link}")

        result += """
        return result


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

class Grid (*contents: Union[ezprez.components._Component, str, List[ezprez.components._Component], List[str]])

A component that allows you to evenly space multiple peices of content


contents : (Component, str, List[Component], List[str])
The contents you want to include in the grid


Add a grid with content

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Grid

Slide("You can also have grids", Grid("With", "Lots", "of", "content"))

Add a slide of a grid of lists

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Grid

Slide("Like, alot of content...", Grid(["You can stack content within grids", ["like this", "and this", "and even this"]], ["This is getting too much now", ["way", "way way", "too much"]]))
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class Grid(_Component):
    """A component that allows you to evenly space multiple peices of content

    contents: (Component, str, List[Component], List[str])
        The contents you want to include in the grid

    ### Add a grid with content
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Grid

    Slide("You can also have grids", Grid("With", "Lots", "of", "content"))

    ### Add a slide of a grid of lists
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Grid

    Slide("Like, alot of content...", Grid(["You can stack content within grids", ["like this", "and this", "and even this"]], ["This is getting too much now", ["way", "way way", "too much"]]))
    def __init__(self, *contents:Union[_Component, str, List[_Component], List[str]]):
        self.contents = contents

    def __html__(self):
        result = "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='grid'>"
        for content in self.contents:
            if type(content) == str:
                result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='column'><p>{content}</p></div>\n"
            elif isinstance(content, _Component):
                result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='column'>"
                result += content.__html__()
                result += "</div>"
            elif type(content) == list:
                result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='column'>"
                for subcontent in content:
                    if isinstance(subcontent, _Component):
                        result += subcontent.__html__()
                    elif type(subcontent) == str:
                        result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>{subcontent}</p>\n"
                    elif type(subcontent) == list:
                        result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t<ul>"
                        for point in subcontent:
                            result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>{point}</li>\n"
                        result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t</ul>"
                result += "\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"
                raise ValueError(f"Provided content to Grid was {type(content)}, which is not List, Component or string")
        return result


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC
class Icon (label: str, size: str = '48px', color: str = '#141414')

A component that generates an icon


label : (str)
The icon name i.e. 'fa-heart' (details at
size : (str), optional;
The size of icon, i.e. 60px, defaults to 48px


Put a heart icon in the middle of a slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Icon

Slide("This is a heart icon", Icon("fa-heart"))
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class Icon(_Component):
    """A component that generates an icon

    label: (str)
        The icon name i.e. 'fa-heart' (details at

    size: (str), optional;
        The size of icon, i.e. 60px, defaults to 48px

    ### Put a heart icon in the middle of a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Icon

    Slide("This is a heart icon", Icon("fa-heart"))
    label: str
    size: str = "48px"
    color: str = "#141414"

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return f"""\t\t\t\t\t<svg class='{self.label}' style='width:{self.size};height:{self.size};color:{self.color};'><use xlink:href='#{self.label}'></use></svg>\n"""


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var color : str
var label : str
var size : str
class Image (title: str, filename: str, browser: bool = False, width: Union[bool, int] = False, height: Union[bool, int] = False)

A component to include images


title : (str)
The alternate text to describe what an image is
filename : (str)
The filename of the image
browser : (bool)
If true you can add a browser window border to the image
width : (int or False)
Used to override the width of an image, optional and defaults to False
height : (int or False)
Used to override the height of an image, optional and defaults to False


  • All images must be included in the same directory as the presentation source file under /img or /images


Add an image to a slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Image

Slide("This is an image", Image("low poly ice caps", "kieran-wood-lp-ice-caps-4k-w-peng.jpg"))

Add a background image to a slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Image

Slide("This is a background image", image=Image("low poly ice caps", "kieran-wood-abstract-landscape.jpg"), background="black")
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class Image(_Component):
    """A component to include images

    title: (str) 
        The alternate text to describe what an image is

    filename: (str)
        The filename of the image

    browser: (bool)
        If true you can add a browser window border to the image

    width: (int or False)
        Used to override the width of an image, optional and defaults to False

    height: (int or False)
        Used to override the height of an image, optional and defaults to False

    - All images must be included in the same directory as the presentation source file under /img or /images

    ### Add an image to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Image

    Slide("This is an image", Image("low poly ice caps", "kieran-wood-lp-ice-caps-4k-w-peng.jpg"))

    ### Add a background image to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Image

    Slide("This is a background image", image=Image("low poly ice caps", "kieran-wood-abstract-landscape.jpg"), background="black")
    title: str
    filename: str
    browser: bool = False
    width: Union[bool, int] = False
    height: Union[bool, int] = False

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        if not self.browser:
            return f"""<img src='./static/images/{self.filename}' alt='{self.title}'{f' width={self.width} ' if self.width else ''} {f' height={self.height} ' if self.height else ''}>"""
            return f"""<figure class='browser'><img src='./static/images/{self.filename}' alt='{self.title}'{f' width={self.width} ' if self.width else ''} {f' height={self.height} ' if self.height else ''}></figure>\n """


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var browser : bool
var filename : str
var height : Union[bool, int]
var title : str
var width : Union[bool, int]

A component for generating web links


label : (str)
The text shown that the link is applied to
link : (str)
The link to tie the label to


from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Link

Slide('This is a link to Google', Link('Click this to go to google', ''))
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class Link(_Component):
    """A component for generating web links

    label : (str)
        The text shown that the link is applied to

    link : (str)
        The link to tie the label to

    ### Add a link to google to a slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Link

    Slide('This is a link to Google', Link('Click this to go to google', ''))
    label: str
    link: str
    color: str = "#4dd"

    def __html__(self, header:bool = False) -> str:
        if not header:
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href={} target='_blank' rel='external' style='color:{self.color};'>{self.label}</a>\n"""
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href={} target='_blank' rel='external' style='background-color:#fff; color:#141414;'>{self.label}</a>\n"""


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var color : str
var label : str
class Navbar (title: str, links: List[Union[LinkSocialLink]])

Allows you to add a navbar to the presentation


title : (str)
The presentation title (used for accessibility reasons)
links : (list[Link or SocialLink])
A list of Link's or SocialLink's to include in the Navbar


from ezprez.core import Presentation
from ezprez.components import Navbar

nav = Navbar('Presentation title', ["")])
Presentation(title, description, url, navbar=nav)
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class Navbar(_Component):
    """Allows you to add a navbar to the presentation

    title: (str)
        The presentation title (used for accessibility reasons)

    links: (list[Link or SocialLink])
        A list of Link's or SocialLink's to include in the Navbar

    ### Adding a Navbar with a github link to a presentation
    from ezprez.core import Presentation
    from ezprez.components import Navbar

    nav = Navbar('Presentation title', ["")])
    Presentation(title, description, url, navbar=nav)
    title: str
    links: List[Union[Link, SocialLink]]

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        result =f"""
        <header role="banner">
            <nav role="navigation">
                <p class="logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="{self.title}">{self.title}</a></p>

        for link in self.links:
            if type(link) == Link or type(link) == SocialLink:
                result += f"\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>{link.__html__(header=True)}</li>\n"
                raise ValueError(f"Navbar arguments must be of type ezprez.components.Link or ezprez.components.SocialLink, got \n\ttype {type(link)}\n\tValue{link}")
        result += """

        return result


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var title : str
class Raw (content: str)

A component that dumps provided raw html


content : (str)
The HTML content to generate


Add a manual paragraph tag to a Slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Raw

content = '<p>This is some text</p>'

Slide('This is some raw content', Raw(content))
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class Raw(_Component):
    """A component that dumps provided raw html

    content: (str) 
        The HTML content to generate

    ### Add a manual paragraph tag to a Slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Raw

    content = '<p>This is some text</p>'

    Slide('This is some raw content', Raw(content))

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return self.content


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var content : str

Can be used to create a social media link icon, or just the icon



from ezprez.core import Presentation
from ezprez.components import SocialLink, Navbar

header = Navbar('Basic web technologies', [SocialLink("github", ""))
Presentation(title, url, content, navbar=header)
from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import SocialLink

Slide('This is a youtube icon with no link', SocialLink("youtube"))
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class SocialLink(_Component):
    """Can be used to create a social media link icon, or just the icon

    - If you don't add a url then the SocialLink will just return the icon
    - Icons include, github, twitch, youtube, linkedin, snapchat, etc. (full list:

    ### Adding an icon link to someone's github in a navbar
    from ezprez.core import Presentation
    from ezprez.components import SocialLink, Navbar

    header = Navbar('Basic web technologies', [SocialLink("github", ""))
    Presentation(title, url, content, navbar=header)

    ### Adding an icon with no link to a Slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import SocialLink

    Slide('This is a youtube icon with no link', SocialLink("youtube"))
    url:str = ""
    icon_color:str = "#141414"

    def __html__(self, header:bool = False) -> str:
        if header:
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='{self.url}' target='_blank' rel='external' style='background-color:#fff; color:{str(self.icon_color)};'>
                                <i class='fab fa-{} fa-3x'></i>
            return f"""\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='{self.url}' target='_blank' rel='external' style='color:{str(self.icon_color)};'>
                                <i class='fab fa-{} fa-3x'></i>


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var icon_color : str
var name : str
var url : str
class TableOfContents (sections: dict)

A component used to generate table of contents for a presentation


sections : (dict)
A dictionary of {label:slide_number}'s to generate the table of contents with


Create a table of contents Slide for a presentation

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import TableOfContents

# The argument is a dictionary where each key is the label in the table
# and each value is the slide number
sections = {'Intro':2, 'End': 5}

Slide('Table of contents', TableOfContents(sections))
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class TableOfContents(_Component):
    """A component used to generate table of contents for a presentation

    sections: (dict)
        A dictionary of {label:slide_number}'s to generate the table of contents with

    ### Create a table of contents Slide for a presentation
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import TableOfContents

    # The argument is a dictionary where each key is the label in the table
    # and each value is the slide number
    sections = {'Intro':2, 'End': 5}

    Slide('Table of contents', TableOfContents(sections))
    sections: dict

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        result = "\n\t\t<hr>\n\t\t<div class='toc'>\n\t\t\t<ol>"
        for section_title in self.sections:
            result += f"\n\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#slide={self.sections[section_title]}' title='Go to {section_title}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='chapter'>{section_title}</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class='toc-page'>{self.sections[section_title]}</span>\n\t\t\t\t</a></li>"
        result += "\n\t\t\t</ol>\n\t\t</div>\n"
        return result 


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var sections : dict
class Video (video_id: str)

A component that allows you to embed a youtube video


video_id : (str)
The youtube video id, for example if the url is then the id is 'wSVljLh1VmI'


Adding a youtube video to a Slide

from ezprez.core import Slide
from ezprez.components import Video

Slide('Here is a video', Video('wSVljLh1VmI'))
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class Video(_Component):
    """A component that allows you to embed a youtube video

    video_id: (str)
        The youtube video id, for example if the url is then the id is 'wSVljLh1VmI'

    ### Adding a youtube video to a Slide
    from ezprez.core import Slide
    from ezprez.components import Video

    Slide('Here is a video', Video('wSVljLh1VmI'))
    video_id: str

    def __html__(self) -> str:
        return f"""\n\t\t\t\t<div class='embed'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<iframe src='{self.video_id}' frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen ></iframe>\n\t\t\t\t</div> """


  • ezprez.components._Component
  • abc.ABC

Class variables

var video_id : str