Schulich Ignite

Free computer coding courses led by

University of Calgary student mentors

Upcoming Sessions

When Where Programming Language
Wednesdays: 6-7:30 pm, Jul 8 - Aug 26 Online
(using Zoom)
(Using Processing)

Session slides (Summer 2020)

Week Session Topic Link to slides
1 Variables, Mouse Movement, setup() and draw() Download slides
2 Operators, Moving objects Download slides
3 If-Statements, Logical Operators Download slides
4 Lists, and loops Download slides
5 Loops continued, and advanced input Download slides
6 Functions Download Slides
7 Extra topics: Projectiles and collisions Download Slides
8 Extra topics: Challenge example walkthrough Download Slides

Ignite points

More information about ignite points Link
Where to submit exercises (both in-session and social media) Link

Want to learn?

Looking to become a mentee? click the button below for details on how to sign up


Want to help teach?

Click the button below to apply to become a mentor.