Module ezcv.content
This module is for handling all the functionality around content including:
- Getting the list of content directories
- Getting the metadata and contents of content files for sections
- Classes for parsing all extensions
Base class for other Content types
Used for parsing markdown content
Used for parsing images
get_content_directories() -> List[str]: Gets a list of the existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"]
get_section_content() -> List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]]: Takes in a section folder and gets all the content from the files using the Content subclass asigned to the file extension
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"""This module is for handling all the functionality around content including:
- Getting the list of content directories
- Getting the metadata and contents of content files for sections
- Classes for parsing all extensions
Base class for other Content types
Used for parsing markdown content
Used for parsing images
get_content_directories() -> List[str]:
Gets a list of the existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"]
get_section_content() -> List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]]:
Takes in a section folder and gets all the content from the files using the Content subclass asigned to the file extension
# Standard Lib Dependencies
import os # Used primarily in path validation
from collections import defaultdict # Used to give dicts default args
from dataclasses import dataclass, field # Used to improve class performance
from typing import DefaultDict, List, Tuple, Type, Union # Used to provide accurate type hints
# Third Party Dependencies
import exifread # Used to get metadata of image files
import markdown # Used to render and read markdown files
from colored import fg # Used to highlight output with colors, especially errors/warnings
def get_content_directories() -> List[str]:
"""Gets a list of the existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"]
The list of existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"]
result:list[str] = []
for current_path in os.listdir("content"):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("content", current_path)):
result.append(os.path.join("content", current_path))
return result
def get_section_content(section_content_folder: str, examples: bool = False) -> List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]]:
"""Takes in a section folder and gets all the content from the files using the Content subclass asigned to the file extension
section_content_folder : str
The string representation of the path to the section folder (i.e. 'content/education')
examples : bool, optional
Whether or not to render files with example in the name, by default False
List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]]
A list representing each file in the section of sublists where the metadata is the first element (as a defaultdict), and the HTML is the second (as a string)
getting the section content of the education section
from ezcv.content import get_section_content
section_content_folder = 'content/education'
content = get_section_content(section_content_folder)
print(content[0]) # Prints [defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x000001F1B97CE040>, {'title': 'This is the title', 'company': 'This is the company'}), '<p>This is some content</p>']
content:List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]] = []
extension_handlers:DefaultDict[str, Type] = Content.get_available_extensions()
for file_name in os.listdir(section_content_folder): # Iterate through the section_content folder and get the content from each file
if not examples and file_name.startswith("example"):
extension = "." + file_name.lower().split(".")[-1] # Get the file extension
if extension_handlers[extension]: # Checking if there exists a Content subclass capable of handling the file
extension_handler = extension_handlers[extension]() # Instantiate the proper extension
# Get the content and add it to the list
metadata, html = extension_handler.get_content(os.path.join(section_content_folder, file_name))
content.append([metadata, html])
return content
class Content(dict):
"""Base class for other Content types
- All subclasses are assumed to have implemented:
- __metadata__(); Returns a defaultdict of metadata
- __html__(); Returns the HTML to render
- A list attribute called extensions, for example in markdown it would be
extensions:List[str] = ['.md', '.markdown', '.mdown', '.mkdn', '.mkd', '.mdwn']
get_available_extensions() -> DefaultDict[str, Type]:
Returns a defaultdict of available extensions and corresponding types to render them
If any of __metadata__(), or __html__() are not implemented in subclass
### Get the list of extensions and their handlers
extension_handlers = Content.get_available_extensions()
print(extension_handlers) ''' defaultdict(
<function Content.get_available_extensions.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x00000240878690D0>,
'.md': <class '__main__.Markdown'>,
'.markdown': <class '__main__.Markdown'>,
'.jpg': <class '__main__.Image'>,
'.png': <class '__main__.Image'>
# Get an extension handler for a specific extension (in thise case .md files)
print(extension_handlers[".md"]) # <class '__main__.Markdown'>
### Get content of a list of files
content = [] # The list that
filenames = ['', 'image.jpg'] # Gotten from somewhere else
extension_handlers = Content.get_available_extensions()
for current_file in filenames:
extension = '.' + current_file.split('.')[-1]
if extension_handlers[extension]:
extension_handler = extension_handlers[extension]()
metadata, html = extension_handler.get_content(current_file)
content.append([metadata, html])
def get_available_extensions() -> DefaultDict[str, Type]:
"""Returns a defaultdict of extensions and corresponding child types to handle them
DefaultDict[str, Type]:
A defaultdict with a str for the extension as a key, and the type as a value
all_extensions:DefaultDict[str, Type] = defaultdict(lambda:False)
for current_class in Content.__subclasses__():
for extension in current_class.extensions:
all_extensions[extension] = current_class
return all_extensions
def __metadata__(self):
"""A function to be replaced with the specific implementation of generating metadata defauldict
If the function is not implemented in the subclass
raise NotImplementedError
def get_content(self, file_path:str):
"""Generates the metadata and HTML from a peice of content
file_path : str
The path to the md file
If the function is not implemented in the subclass
raise NotImplementedError
def __html__(self, file_path:str):
"""A function to be replaced with the specific implementation of generating HTML
file_path: (str)
The path for the file
If the function is not implemented in the subclass
raise NotImplementedError
class Markdown(Content):
"""Used for parsing markdown content
- Default extensions are
- [footnotes](
- [tables](
- [toc (Table of contents)](
- [abbr(abbreviations)](
- [def_list(Definition lists)](
- [sane_lists(Sane lists)](
- [meta](
- [mdx_math](
from ezcv.content import Markdown
html, metadata = Markdown().get_content('')
md:markdown.Markdown = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['meta', 'footnotes', 'tables', 'toc', 'abbr', 'def_list', 'sane_lists', "mdx_math"]) # Setup markdown parser with extensions
extensions:List[str] = (".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mkdn", ".mkd", ".mdwn")
def __metadata__(self) -> defaultdict:
"""Gets the metadata from the YAML frontmatter of the markdown file
- This class requires __html__ to be run first, or to be set manually and run over the text of the document
Returns a defaultdict with the yaml metadata of a peice of content
metadata:defaultdict = defaultdict(lambda:False)
for key in # Create defaultdict out of metadata
if type([key]) == list:
metadata[key] =[key][0]
metadata[key] =[key]
return metadata
def __html__(self, file_path:str) -> str:
"""Parses the markdown file and returns a string with the resulting HTML
file_path : str
The path to the file to generate the HTML for
The HTML rendered from the markdown file
with open(f"{file_path}", "r") as mdfile: # Parse markdown file
text =
html = # Convert the markdown content text to hmtl
return html
def get_content(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[defaultdict, str]:
"""Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata of the file
file_path : str
The path to the file to render
str, defaultdict
Returns a defaultdict of the metadata first then the html content as a string
If the provided file path does not exist
Render a file called
from ezcv.content import Markdown
metadata, html = Markdown().get_content('')
if not os.path.exists(file_path): # If file doesn't exist
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{fg(1)} Could not find file: {file_path}{fg(15)}\n")
html = self.__html__(file_path)
metadata = self.__metadata__()
return metadata, html
class Image(Content):
"""Used for parsing images
- Exif data is NOT available on PNG images (it is only available of jpg and tiff)
- Since there are so many conditionals it is recommended to use the existing gallery stylesheet
Render a file called 1.jpg
from ezcv.content import Image
metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg')
ignore_exif_data:bool = False
extensions:List[str] = (".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".svg", ".webp", ".apng", ".jfif", ".pjpeg", ".pjp")
image_paths:List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) # TODO: find way to implement this properly
def __metadata__(self, filename:str) -> defaultdict:
"""Return the metadata of the file (and exif data if available)
filename : str
The path to the file to get the metadata from
A defaultdict of the keys with the metadata in it
if self.ignore_exif_data:
return defaultdict(lambda:False)
elif filename.lower().endswith("jpg"):
with open(filename ,"rb") as f:
tags = exifread.process_file(f)
tags = defaultdict(lambda:False, tags)
return tags
return defaultdict(lambda:False)
def __html__(self, tags:defaultdict) -> str:
"""Parses the tags of the image and returns HTML for the EXIF data
file_path : str
The path to the file to generate the HTML for
The HTML of the EXIF data from the file
html = ""
# Lens detail
if tags['EXIF LensModel']:
html += f"<p class='lens'>{tags['EXIF LensModel']}</p>\n"
# Focal length
if tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']:
if tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'] != tags['EXIF FocalLength']:
html += f"<p class='focal-length'>{tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']}mm (full frame equivalent)</p>\n"
html += f"<p class='focal-length'>{tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']}mm</p>\n"
if tags['EXIF FocalLength']:
html += f"<p class='focal-length'>{tags['EXIF FocalLength']}mm</p>\n"
# ISO, Shutter speed, Apperture
if tags['EXIF ISOSpeedRatings']:
html += f"<p class='iso'>ISO {tags['EXIF ISOSpeedRatings']}</p>\n"
if tags['EXIF ExposureTime']:
html += f"<p class='shutter-speed'>{tags['EXIF ExposureTime']} Second(s)</p>\n"
if tags['EXIF FNumber']:
from fractions import Fraction
tags['EXIF FNumber'] = str(float(Fraction(str(tags['EXIF FNumber'])))) # Convert aperture to str i.e. 6.3
html += f"<p class='aperture'>f{tags['EXIF FNumber']}</p>\n"
# Camera body details
if tags['Image Make'] and tags['Image Model']:
html += f"<p class='camera-type'>{tags['Image Make']} {tags['Image Model']}</p>\n"
elif tags['Image Make']:
html += f"<p class='camera-type'>{tags['Image Make']}</p>\n"
elif tags["Image Model"]:
html += f"<p class='camera-type'>{tags['Image Model']}</p>\n"
return html
def get_content(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[defaultdict, str]:
"""Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata/exif of the file
file_path : str
The path to the file to render
str, defaultdict
Returns the defaultdict of the metadata, and then the html of the exif data
If the provided file path does not exist
Render a file called 1.jpg
from ezcv.content import Image
metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg')
tags = self.__metadata__(file_path)
html = self.__html__(tags)
tags["file_path"] = f"images/gallery/{file_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]}"
return tags, html
def get_content_directories() ‑> List[str]
Gets a list of the existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"]
- The list of existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"]
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def get_content_directories() -> List[str]: """Gets a list of the existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"] Returns ------- List[str]: The list of existing content directories i.e. ["projects", "education"] """ result:list[str] = [] for current_path in os.listdir("content"): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("content", current_path)): result.append(os.path.join("content", current_path)) return result
def get_section_content(section_content_folder: str, examples: bool = False) ‑> List[List[Union[collections.defaultdict, str]]]
Takes in a section folder and gets all the content from the files using the Content subclass asigned to the file extension
- The string representation of the path to the section folder (i.e. 'content/education')
, optional- Whether or not to render files with example in the name, by default False
List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]]
- A list representing each file in the section of sublists where the metadata is the first element (as a defaultdict), and the HTML is the second (as a string)
getting the section content of the education section
from ezcv.content import get_section_content section_content_folder = 'content/education' content = get_section_content(section_content_folder) print(content[0]) # Prints [defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x000001F1B97CE040>, {'title': 'This is the title', 'company': 'This is the company'}), '<p>This is some content</p>']
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def get_section_content(section_content_folder: str, examples: bool = False) -> List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]]: """Takes in a section folder and gets all the content from the files using the Content subclass asigned to the file extension Parameters ---------- section_content_folder : str The string representation of the path to the section folder (i.e. 'content/education') examples : bool, optional Whether or not to render files with example in the name, by default False Returns ------- List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]] A list representing each file in the section of sublists where the metadata is the first element (as a defaultdict), and the HTML is the second (as a string) Examples -------- getting the section content of the education section ``` from ezcv.content import get_section_content section_content_folder = 'content/education' content = get_section_content(section_content_folder) print(content[0]) # Prints [defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x000001F1B97CE040>, {'title': 'This is the title', 'company': 'This is the company'}), '<p>This is some content</p>'] ``` """ content:List[List[Union[defaultdict, str]]] = [] extension_handlers:DefaultDict[str, Type] = Content.get_available_extensions() for file_name in os.listdir(section_content_folder): # Iterate through the section_content folder and get the content from each file if not examples and file_name.startswith("example"): continue else: extension = "." + file_name.lower().split(".")[-1] # Get the file extension if extension_handlers[extension]: # Checking if there exists a Content subclass capable of handling the file extension_handler = extension_handlers[extension]() # Instantiate the proper extension # Get the content and add it to the list metadata, html = extension_handler.get_content(os.path.join(section_content_folder, file_name)) content.append([metadata, html]) return content
class Content
Base class for other Content types
- All subclasses are assumed to have implemented:
- metadata(); Returns a defaultdict of metadata
- html(); Returns the HTML to render
- A list attribute called extensions, for example in markdown it would be extensions:List[str] = ['.md', '.markdown', '.mdown', '.mkdn', '.mkd', '.mdwn']
get_available_extensions() -> DefaultDict[str, Type]: Returns a defaultdict of available extensions and corresponding types to render them
- If any of metadata(), or html() are not implemented in subclass
Get the list of extensions and their handlers
extension_handlers = Content.get_available_extensions() print(extension_handlers) ''' defaultdict( <function Content.get_available_extensions.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x00000240878690D0>, { '.md': <class '__main__.Markdown'>, '.markdown': <class '__main__.Markdown'>, '.jpg': <class '__main__.Image'>, '.png': <class '__main__.Image'> } )''' # Get an extension handler for a specific extension (in thise case .md files) print(extension_handlers[".md"]) # <class '__main__.Markdown'>
Get content of a list of files
content = [] # The list that filenames = ['', 'image.jpg'] # Gotten from somewhere else extension_handlers = Content.get_available_extensions() for current_file in filenames: extension = '.' + current_file.split('.')[-1] if extension_handlers[extension]: extension_handler = extension_handlers[extension]() metadata, html = extension_handler.get_content(current_file) content.append([metadata, html])
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@dataclass class Content(dict): """Base class for other Content types Notes ----- - All subclasses are assumed to have implemented: - __metadata__(); Returns a defaultdict of metadata - __html__(); Returns the HTML to render - A list attribute called extensions, for example in markdown it would be extensions:List[str] = ['.md', '.markdown', '.mdown', '.mkdn', '.mkd', '.mdwn'] Methods ------- get_available_extensions() -> DefaultDict[str, Type]: Returns a defaultdict of available extensions and corresponding types to render them Raises ------ NotImplementedError If any of __metadata__(), or __html__() are not implemented in subclass Examples -------- ### Get the list of extensions and their handlers ``` extension_handlers = Content.get_available_extensions() print(extension_handlers) ''' defaultdict( <function Content.get_available_extensions.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x00000240878690D0>, { '.md': <class '__main__.Markdown'>, '.markdown': <class '__main__.Markdown'>, '.jpg': <class '__main__.Image'>, '.png': <class '__main__.Image'> } )''' # Get an extension handler for a specific extension (in thise case .md files) print(extension_handlers[".md"]) # <class '__main__.Markdown'> ``` ### Get content of a list of files ``` content = [] # The list that filenames = ['', 'image.jpg'] # Gotten from somewhere else extension_handlers = Content.get_available_extensions() for current_file in filenames: extension = '.' + current_file.split('.')[-1] if extension_handlers[extension]: extension_handler = extension_handlers[extension]() metadata, html = extension_handler.get_content(current_file) content.append([metadata, html]) ``` """ def get_available_extensions() -> DefaultDict[str, Type]: """Returns a defaultdict of extensions and corresponding child types to handle them Returns ------- DefaultDict[str, Type]: A defaultdict with a str for the extension as a key, and the type as a value """ all_extensions:DefaultDict[str, Type] = defaultdict(lambda:False) for current_class in Content.__subclasses__(): for extension in current_class.extensions: all_extensions[extension] = current_class return all_extensions def __metadata__(self): """A function to be replaced with the specific implementation of generating metadata defauldict Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the function is not implemented in the subclass """ raise NotImplementedError def get_content(self, file_path:str): """Generates the metadata and HTML from a peice of content Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the md file Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the function is not implemented in the subclass """ raise NotImplementedError def __html__(self, file_path:str): """A function to be replaced with the specific implementation of generating HTML Parameters ---------- file_path: (str) The path for the file Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the function is not implemented in the subclass """ raise NotImplementedError
- builtins.dict
def get_available_extensions() ‑> DefaultDict[str, Type]
Returns a defaultdict of extensions and corresponding child types to handle them
DefaultDict[str, Type]:
- A defaultdict with a str for the extension as a key, and the type as a value
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def get_available_extensions() -> DefaultDict[str, Type]: """Returns a defaultdict of extensions and corresponding child types to handle them Returns ------- DefaultDict[str, Type]: A defaultdict with a str for the extension as a key, and the type as a value """ all_extensions:DefaultDict[str, Type] = defaultdict(lambda:False) for current_class in Content.__subclasses__(): for extension in current_class.extensions: all_extensions[extension] = current_class return all_extensions
def get_content(self, file_path: str)
Generates the metadata and HTML from a peice of content
- The path to the md file
- If the function is not implemented in the subclass
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def get_content(self, file_path:str): """Generates the metadata and HTML from a peice of content Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the md file Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the function is not implemented in the subclass """ raise NotImplementedError
- All subclasses are assumed to have implemented:
class Image (ignore_exif_data: bool = False, extensions: List[str] = ('.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.svg', '.webp', '.apng', '.jfif', '.pjpeg', '.pjp'), image_paths: List[str] = <factory>)
Used for parsing images
- Exif data is NOT available on PNG images (it is only available of jpg and tiff)
- Since there are so many conditionals it is recommended to use the existing gallery stylesheet
Render a file called 1.jpg
from ezcv.content import Image metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg')
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@dataclass class Image(Content): """Used for parsing images Notes ----- - Exif data is NOT available on PNG images (it is only available of jpg and tiff) - Since there are so many conditionals it is recommended to use the existing gallery stylesheet Examples -------- Render a file called 1.jpg ``` from ezcv.content import Image metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg') ``` """ ignore_exif_data:bool = False extensions:List[str] = (".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".svg", ".webp", ".apng", ".jfif", ".pjpeg", ".pjp") image_paths:List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) # TODO: find way to implement this properly def __metadata__(self, filename:str) -> defaultdict: """Return the metadata of the file (and exif data if available) Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the file to get the metadata from Returns ------- defaultdict A defaultdict of the keys with the metadata in it """ if self.ignore_exif_data: return defaultdict(lambda:False) elif filename.lower().endswith("jpg"): with open(filename ,"rb") as f: tags = exifread.process_file(f) tags = defaultdict(lambda:False, tags) return tags else: return defaultdict(lambda:False) def __html__(self, tags:defaultdict) -> str: """Parses the tags of the image and returns HTML for the EXIF data Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file to generate the HTML for Returns ------- str The HTML of the EXIF data from the file """ html = "" # Lens detail if tags['EXIF LensModel']: html += f"<p class='lens'>{tags['EXIF LensModel']}</p>\n" # Focal length if tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']: if tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'] != tags['EXIF FocalLength']: html += f"<p class='focal-length'>{tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']}mm (full frame equivalent)</p>\n" else: html += f"<p class='focal-length'>{tags['EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']}mm</p>\n" else: if tags['EXIF FocalLength']: html += f"<p class='focal-length'>{tags['EXIF FocalLength']}mm</p>\n" # ISO, Shutter speed, Apperture if tags['EXIF ISOSpeedRatings']: html += f"<p class='iso'>ISO {tags['EXIF ISOSpeedRatings']}</p>\n" if tags['EXIF ExposureTime']: html += f"<p class='shutter-speed'>{tags['EXIF ExposureTime']} Second(s)</p>\n" if tags['EXIF FNumber']: from fractions import Fraction tags['EXIF FNumber'] = str(float(Fraction(str(tags['EXIF FNumber'])))) # Convert aperture to str i.e. 6.3 html += f"<p class='aperture'>f{tags['EXIF FNumber']}</p>\n" # Camera body details if tags['Image Make'] and tags['Image Model']: html += f"<p class='camera-type'>{tags['Image Make']} {tags['Image Model']}</p>\n" elif tags['Image Make']: html += f"<p class='camera-type'>{tags['Image Make']}</p>\n" elif tags["Image Model"]: html += f"<p class='camera-type'>{tags['Image Model']}</p>\n" else: ... return html def get_content(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[defaultdict, str]: """Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata/exif of the file Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file to render Returns ------- str, defaultdict Returns the defaultdict of the metadata, and then the html of the exif data Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the provided file path does not exist Examples -------- Render a file called 1.jpg ``` from ezcv.content import Image metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg') ``` """ tags = self.__metadata__(file_path) html = self.__html__(tags) tags["file_path"] = f"images/gallery/{file_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]}" self.image_paths.append(file_path) return tags, html
- Content
- builtins.dict
Class variables
var extensions : List[str]
var ignore_exif_data : bool
var image_paths : List[str]
def get_content(self, file_path: str) ‑> Tuple[collections.defaultdict, str]
Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata/exif of the file
- The path to the file to render
str, defaultdict
- Returns the defaultdict of the metadata, and then the html of the exif data
- If the provided file path does not exist
Render a file called 1.jpg
from ezcv.content import Image metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg')
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def get_content(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[defaultdict, str]: """Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata/exif of the file Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file to render Returns ------- str, defaultdict Returns the defaultdict of the metadata, and then the html of the exif data Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the provided file path does not exist Examples -------- Render a file called 1.jpg ``` from ezcv.content import Image metadata, html = Image().get_content('1.jpg') ``` """ tags = self.__metadata__(file_path) html = self.__html__(tags) tags["file_path"] = f"images/gallery/{file_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]}" self.image_paths.append(file_path) return tags, html
Inherited members
class Markdown (md: markdown.core.Markdown = <markdown.core.Markdown object>, extensions: List[str] = ('.md', '.markdown', '.mdown', '.mkdn', '.mkd', '.mdwn'))
Used for parsing markdown content
- Default extensions are
from ezcv.content import Markdown html, metadata = Markdown().get_content('')
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@dataclass class Markdown(Content): """Used for parsing markdown content Notes ----- - Default extensions are - [footnotes]( - [tables]( - [toc (Table of contents)]( - [abbr(abbreviations)]( - [def_list(Definition lists)]( - [sane_lists(Sane lists)]( - [meta]( - [mdx_math]( Examples -------- ``` from ezcv.content import Markdown html, metadata = Markdown().get_content('') ``` """ md:markdown.Markdown = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['meta', 'footnotes', 'tables', 'toc', 'abbr', 'def_list', 'sane_lists', "mdx_math"]) # Setup markdown parser with extensions extensions:List[str] = (".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mkdn", ".mkd", ".mdwn") def __metadata__(self) -> defaultdict: """Gets the metadata from the YAML frontmatter of the markdown file Notes ----- - This class requires __html__ to be run first, or to be set manually and run over the text of the document Returns ------- defaultdict Returns a defaultdict with the yaml metadata of a peice of content """ metadata:defaultdict = defaultdict(lambda:False) for key in # Create defaultdict out of metadata if type([key]) == list: metadata[key] =[key][0] else: metadata[key] =[key] return metadata def __html__(self, file_path:str) -> str: """Parses the markdown file and returns a string with the resulting HTML Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file to generate the HTML for Returns ------- str The HTML rendered from the markdown file """ with open(f"{file_path}", "r") as mdfile: # Parse markdown file text = html = # Convert the markdown content text to hmtl return html def get_content(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[defaultdict, str]: """Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata of the file Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file to render Returns ------- str, defaultdict Returns a defaultdict of the metadata first then the html content as a string Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the provided file path does not exist Examples -------- Render a file called ``` from ezcv.content import Markdown metadata, html = Markdown().get_content('') ``` """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): # If file doesn't exist raise FileNotFoundError(f"{fg(1)} Could not find file: {file_path}{fg(15)}\n") html = self.__html__(file_path) metadata = self.__metadata__() return metadata, html
- Content
- builtins.dict
Class variables
var extensions : List[str]
var md : markdown.core.Markdown
def get_content(self, file_path: str) ‑> Tuple[collections.defaultdict, str]
Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata of the file
- The path to the file to render
str, defaultdict
- Returns a defaultdict of the metadata first then the html content as a string
- If the provided file path does not exist
Render a file called
from ezcv.content import Markdown metadata, html = Markdown().get_content('')
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def get_content(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[defaultdict, str]: """Gets the html content of a file, and the metadata of the file Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file to render Returns ------- str, defaultdict Returns a defaultdict of the metadata first then the html content as a string Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the provided file path does not exist Examples -------- Render a file called ``` from ezcv.content import Markdown metadata, html = Markdown().get_content('') ``` """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): # If file doesn't exist raise FileNotFoundError(f"{fg(1)} Could not find file: {file_path}{fg(15)}\n") html = self.__html__(file_path) metadata = self.__metadata__() return metadata, html
Inherited members