Module ezcv.cli
The module containing all cli functionality of ezcv including: - Initializing sites - Generating temporary preview - Getting lists of themes and/or copying themes
init(): Initializes an ezcv site
preview(): Creates a temporary folder of the site's files and then previews it in browser
theme(): Used to get information about the available themes and/or copy a theme folder
main(): The primary entrypoint for the ezcv cli
Create a new site
from ezcv.cli import init
theme = "freelancer"
name = "John Doe"
init(theme, name)
Preview a site that is in the cwd
from ezcv.cli import preview
Copy the aerial theme
from ezcv.cli import theme
theme(copy_theme = True, theme = "aerial")
Print a list of available themes
from ezcv.cli import theme
theme(list_themes = True)
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"""The module containing all cli functionality of ezcv including:
- Initializing sites
- Generating temporary preview
- Getting lists of themes and/or copying themes
Initializes an ezcv site
Creates a temporary folder of the site's files and then previews it in browser
Used to get information about the available themes and/or copy a theme folder
The primary entrypoint for the ezcv cli
#### Create a new site
from ezcv.cli import init
theme = "freelancer"
name = "John Doe"
init(theme, name)
#### Preview a site that is in the cwd
from ezcv.cli import preview
#### Copy the aerial theme
from ezcv.cli import theme
theme(copy_theme = True, theme = "aerial")
#### Print a list of available themes
from ezcv.cli import theme
theme(list_themes = True)
# Standard Lib Dependencies
import os # Used for path validation
import shutil # Used for file/folder copying and removal
import tempfile # Used to generate temporary folders for previews
from sys import argv, exit # Used to get length of CLI args and exit cleanly
## internal dependencies
from ezcv.core import generate_site, get_site_config
from ezcv.themes import THEMES_FOLDER, get_remote_themes, locate_theme_directory, setup_remote_theme
# Third party dependencies
from colored import fg # Used to highlight output with colors
from docopt import docopt # Used to complete argument parsing for the cli
usage = """Usage:
ezcv [-h] [-v] [-p]
ezcv init [<name>] [<theme>]
ezcv build [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-p]
ezcv theme [-l] [-c] [-s SECTION_NAME] [<theme>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-l, --list list the possible themes
-c, --copy copy the provided theme, or defined site theme
-p, --preview preview the current state of the site
-d OUTPUT_DIR, --dir OUTPUT_DIR The folder name to export the site to
-s SECTION_NAME, --section SECTION_NAME The section name to initialize
def init(theme="dimension", name="John Doe"):
"""Initializes an ezcv site
theme : (str, optional)
The theme to use in the config, by default "dimension"
name : (str, optional)
The name to use in the config, by default "John Doe"
print(f"Generating site at {os.path.abspath(name)}")
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "example_site"), os.path.abspath(name))
# Generate initial config.yml file
with open(os.path.join(name, "config.yml"), "w+") as config_file:
config_file.write(f"# See for documentation\nname: {name}\ntheme: {theme}\nresume: false")
if theme != "dimension":
# Check if theme is remote theme, and download it if it is
remote_themes = get_remote_themes()
if remote_themes.get(theme, False):
original_directory = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) # Store CWD
os.chdir(os.path.abspath(name)) # Go into new site folder
setup_remote_theme(theme, remote_themes[theme]) # Download theme
os.chdir(original_directory) # Navigate back to original cwd
print(f"Site generated and is available at {os.path.abspath(name)}")
def preview():
"""Creates a temporary folder of the site's files and then previews it in browser"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
generate_site(temp_dir, preview=True)
input("Press enter when done previewing")
except EOFError:
print(f"\nKeyboard interupt detected, ending preview and removing {temp_dir}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print(f"\nKeyboard interupt detected, ending preview and removing {temp_dir}")
print(f"Ending preview and removing {temp_dir}")
def theme(list_themes: bool = False, copy_theme:bool = False, theme:str = ""):
"""Used to get information about the available themes and/or copy a theme folder
list_themes : bool, optional
Whether or not to list the available themes, by default False
copy_theme : bool, optional
Whether or not to copy provided theme, by default False
theme : str, optional
The theme to copy, by default "" (which will copy the dimension theme)
if not theme:
theme = "dimension"
if copy_theme:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme)): # If the theme exists in the themes folder
try: # Try to copy the theme to ./<theme>
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme), theme)
except FileExistsError: # If a folder exists at ./<theme> remove and then re-copy
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme), theme)
print(f"Copied {os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme)} to .{os.sep}{theme}")
else: # Theme could not be found
print(f"Theme {theme} not found and was unable to be copied")
if list_themes:
# Get local themes
print(f"\nAvailable local themes\n{'='*22}")
for theme in os.listdir(THEMES_FOLDER):
if not theme == "remotes.yml":
print(f" - {theme}")
# Get remote themes
print(f"\nAvailable remote themes\n{'='*23}")
import yaml
with open(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, "remotes.yml")) as remote_themes:
for theme in yaml.safe_load(remote_themes):
print(f" - {theme}")
print() # empty newline after list
def new_section(section_name:str) -> bool:
"""Creates a new section (content folder, and section template in the theme)
section_name : str
The name you want to give to the section, used to generate folder and template filename
- Needs to be run from the main folder of a site, or at most one folder deep (i.e. the content or Images folder)
True if the creation was successful and False if it failed early
if os.path.exists("config.yml"):
config_path = "config.yml"
elif os.path.exists("../config.yml") :
config_path = "../config.yml"
print(f"{fg(1)}You are not in a project root folder, please run from folder with config.yml{fg(15)}\n")
return False
config = get_site_config(config_file_path=config_path)
if not config["theme"]: # Set to default theme if no theme is set
config["theme"] = "dimension"
theme_path = locate_theme_directory(config["theme"], {"config": config})
if os.path.exists(config["theme"]): # Theme is at cwd i.e. ./aerial
theme_path = config["theme"]
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join("..", config["theme"])): # Theme is one level up i.e. ../aerial
theme_path = os.path.join("..", config["theme"])
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, config["theme"])): # Theme is in package theme folder i.e. THEME_FOLDER/aerial
theme_path = os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, config["theme"])
print(f"{fg(1)}Could not find theme at any of the possible locations\n\t{config['theme']}\n\t{os.path.join('..', config['theme'])}\n\t{os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, config['theme'])} {fg(15)}\n")
return False
if os.path.exists("content"):
content_path = "content"
elif os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-1] == "content": # Inside the current content folder
content_path = os.getcwd()
return False
# The content for the template in the generated section
default_section_page_templte = f"""\n{{% for page in {section_name} %}} <!--Lets you iterate through each page -->
{{{{ page[0] }}}} <!--Metadata access -->
{{{{ page[1] | safe }}}} <!--content access -->
{{% endfor %}}
# Begin creating content folder and theme file
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(content_path, section_name)): # If the content folder doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(theme_path, "sections", f"{section_name}.jinja")) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(theme_path, "sections", f"{section_name}.html")): # If jinja theme doesn't already exist
os.mkdir(os.path.join(content_path, section_name))
with open(os.path.join(theme_path, "sections", f"{section_name}.jinja"), 'w+') as section_file:
else: # Theme file already existed
print(f"{fg(1)}Could not create path, path already exists at either: \n\t{os.path.join(theme_path, 'sections', f'{section_name}.jinja')}\n\tor\n\t{os.path.join(theme_path, 'sections', f'{section_name}.jinja')}\n{fg(15)}")
return False
else: # Content folder already existed
print(f"{fg(1)}Could not create path, path already exists at {os.path.join(content_path, section_name)}\n{fg(15)}")
return False
print(f"Section successfully created\n\nTheme file created at:\n\t{os.path.join(theme_path, 'sections', f'{section_name}.jinja')}\nContent folder created at:\n\t{os.path.join(content_path, section_name)}")
return True
def main():
"""The primary entrypoint for the ezcv cli"""
args = docopt(usage, version="0.2.1")
if len(argv) == 1: # Print usage if no arguments are given
print("\n", usage)
if args["--preview"] and not args["build"]:
elif args["init"]:
if args["<theme>"] and args["<name>"]: # Both a theme and name are specified
init(args["<theme>"], args["<name>"])
elif args["<name>"]: # Only a name is specified
init(name = args["<name>"])
else: # No values are specified
elif args["build"]:
if not args["--dir"]:
if args["--preview"]: # If preview flag is specified
if not args["--dir"] and not args["--preview"]: # No flags provided
print("\n", usage)
elif args["theme"]:
if args["--section"]:
created = new_section(args["--section"])
if not created:
print(f"{fg(1)}Failed to create section {args['--section']} {fg(15)}")
elif args["<theme>"]:
theme(args["--list"], args["--copy"], args["<theme>"])
elif args["--copy"]: # If copy is flagged, but no theme is provided
if os.path.exists("config.yml"):
theme(args["--list"], args["--copy"], get_site_config()["theme"])
else: # If no theme, or config.yml file is present
theme(args["--list"], args["--copy"], "freelancer")
elif args["--list"]:
else: # If theme argument is called with no other flags
print("\n", usage)
elif args["--preview"]: # If preview flag is specified with no other flags
else: # No top level argument is provided
print("\n", usage)
if __name__ == "__main__": # For testing
def init(theme='dimension', name='John Doe')
Initializes an ezcv site
, optional)
- The theme to use in the config, by default "dimension"
, optional)
- The name to use in the config, by default "John Doe"
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def init(theme="dimension", name="John Doe"): """Initializes an ezcv site Parameters ---------- theme : (str, optional) The theme to use in the config, by default "dimension" name : (str, optional) The name to use in the config, by default "John Doe" """ print(f"Generating site at {os.path.abspath(name)}") shutil.copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "example_site"), os.path.abspath(name)) # Generate initial config.yml file with open(os.path.join(name, "config.yml"), "w+") as config_file: config_file.write(f"# See for documentation\nname: {name}\ntheme: {theme}\nresume: false") if theme != "dimension": # Check if theme is remote theme, and download it if it is remote_themes = get_remote_themes() if remote_themes.get(theme, False): original_directory = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) # Store CWD os.chdir(os.path.abspath(name)) # Go into new site folder setup_remote_theme(theme, remote_themes[theme]) # Download theme os.chdir(original_directory) # Navigate back to original cwd print(f"Site generated and is available at {os.path.abspath(name)}")
def main()
The primary entrypoint for the ezcv cli
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def main(): """The primary entrypoint for the ezcv cli""" args = docopt(usage, version="0.2.1") if len(argv) == 1: # Print usage if no arguments are given print("\n", usage) exit() if args["--preview"] and not args["build"]: preview() elif args["init"]: if args["<theme>"] and args["<name>"]: # Both a theme and name are specified init(args["<theme>"], args["<name>"]) elif args["<name>"]: # Only a name is specified init(name = args["<name>"]) else: # No values are specified init() elif args["build"]: if not args["--dir"]: generate_site() else: generate_site(args["--dir"]) if args["--preview"]: # If preview flag is specified preview() if not args["--dir"] and not args["--preview"]: # No flags provided print("\n", usage) exit() elif args["theme"]: if args["--section"]: created = new_section(args["--section"]) if not created: print(f"{fg(1)}Failed to create section {args['--section']} {fg(15)}") elif args["<theme>"]: theme(args["--list"], args["--copy"], args["<theme>"]) elif args["--copy"]: # If copy is flagged, but no theme is provided if os.path.exists("config.yml"): theme(args["--list"], args["--copy"], get_site_config()["theme"]) else: # If no theme, or config.yml file is present theme(args["--list"], args["--copy"], "freelancer") elif args["--list"]: theme(args["--list"]) else: # If theme argument is called with no other flags print("\n", usage) exit() elif args["--preview"]: # If preview flag is specified with no other flags preview() else: # No top level argument is provided print("\n", usage) exit()
def new_section(section_name: str) ‑> bool
Creates a new section (content folder, and section template in the theme)
- The name you want to give to the section, used to generate folder and template filename
- Needs to be run from the main folder of a site, or at most one folder deep (i.e. the content or Images folder)
- True if the creation was successful and False if it failed early
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def new_section(section_name:str) -> bool: """Creates a new section (content folder, and section template in the theme) Parameters ---------- section_name : str The name you want to give to the section, used to generate folder and template filename Notes ----- - Needs to be run from the main folder of a site, or at most one folder deep (i.e. the content or Images folder) Returns ------- bool True if the creation was successful and False if it failed early """ if os.path.exists("config.yml"): config_path = "config.yml" elif os.path.exists("../config.yml") : config_path = "../config.yml" else: print(f"{fg(1)}You are not in a project root folder, please run from folder with config.yml{fg(15)}\n") return False config = get_site_config(config_file_path=config_path) if not config["theme"]: # Set to default theme if no theme is set config["theme"] = "dimension" theme_path = locate_theme_directory(config["theme"], {"config": config}) if os.path.exists(config["theme"]): # Theme is at cwd i.e. ./aerial theme_path = config["theme"] elif os.path.exists(os.path.join("..", config["theme"])): # Theme is one level up i.e. ../aerial theme_path = os.path.join("..", config["theme"]) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, config["theme"])): # Theme is in package theme folder i.e. THEME_FOLDER/aerial theme_path = os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, config["theme"]) else: print(f"{fg(1)}Could not find theme at any of the possible locations\n\t{config['theme']}\n\t{os.path.join('..', config['theme'])}\n\t{os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, config['theme'])} {fg(15)}\n") return False if os.path.exists("content"): content_path = "content" elif os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-1] == "content": # Inside the current content folder content_path = os.getcwd() else: return False # The content for the template in the generated section default_section_page_templte = f"""\n{{% for page in {section_name} %}} <!--Lets you iterate through each page --> {{{{ page[0] }}}} <!--Metadata access --> {{{{ page[1] | safe }}}} <!--content access --> {{% endfor %}} \n""" # Begin creating content folder and theme file if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(content_path, section_name)): # If the content folder doesn't already exist if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(theme_path, "sections", f"{section_name}.jinja")) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(theme_path, "sections", f"{section_name}.html")): # If jinja theme doesn't already exist os.mkdir(os.path.join(content_path, section_name)) with open(os.path.join(theme_path, "sections", f"{section_name}.jinja"), 'w+') as section_file: section_file.write(default_section_page_templte) else: # Theme file already existed print(f"{fg(1)}Could not create path, path already exists at either: \n\t{os.path.join(theme_path, 'sections', f'{section_name}.jinja')}\n\tor\n\t{os.path.join(theme_path, 'sections', f'{section_name}.jinja')}\n{fg(15)}") return False else: # Content folder already existed print(f"{fg(1)}Could not create path, path already exists at {os.path.join(content_path, section_name)}\n{fg(15)}") return False print(f"Section successfully created\n\nTheme file created at:\n\t{os.path.join(theme_path, 'sections', f'{section_name}.jinja')}\nContent folder created at:\n\t{os.path.join(content_path, section_name)}") return True
def preview()
Creates a temporary folder of the site's files and then previews it in browser
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def preview(): """Creates a temporary folder of the site's files and then previews it in browser""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: generate_site(temp_dir, preview=True) try: input("Press enter when done previewing") except EOFError: print(f"\nKeyboard interupt detected, ending preview and removing {temp_dir}") return except KeyboardInterrupt: print(f"\nKeyboard interupt detected, ending preview and removing {temp_dir}") return print(f"Ending preview and removing {temp_dir}")
def theme(list_themes: bool = False, copy_theme: bool = False, theme: str = '')
Used to get information about the available themes and/or copy a theme folder
, optional- Whether or not to list the available themes, by default False
, optional- Whether or not to copy provided theme, by default False
, optional- The theme to copy, by default "" (which will copy the dimension theme)
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def theme(list_themes: bool = False, copy_theme:bool = False, theme:str = ""): """Used to get information about the available themes and/or copy a theme folder Parameters ---------- list_themes : bool, optional Whether or not to list the available themes, by default False copy_theme : bool, optional Whether or not to copy provided theme, by default False theme : str, optional The theme to copy, by default "" (which will copy the dimension theme) """ if not theme: theme = "dimension" if copy_theme: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme)): # If the theme exists in the themes folder try: # Try to copy the theme to ./<theme> shutil.copytree(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme), theme) except FileExistsError: # If a folder exists at ./<theme> remove and then re-copy shutil.rmtree(theme) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme), theme) print(f"Copied {os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, theme)} to .{os.sep}{theme}") else: # Theme could not be found print(f"Theme {theme} not found and was unable to be copied") if list_themes: # Get local themes print(f"\nAvailable local themes\n{'='*22}") for theme in os.listdir(THEMES_FOLDER): if not theme == "remotes.yml": print(f" - {theme}") # Get remote themes print(f"\nAvailable remote themes\n{'='*23}") import yaml with open(os.path.join(THEMES_FOLDER, "remotes.yml")) as remote_themes: for theme in yaml.safe_load(remote_themes): print(f" - {theme}") print() # empty newline after list