CI/CD Basics
The basics of CI/CD pipelines, github actions and github pages
What is Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment?
Essentially it is a method for defining automated virtual computing processes. In laymens terms it typically means writing a configuration file or script that will spin up a 'virtual computer' (though sometimes it will run on the host computer) and run through a series of defined tasks.
What is CI/CD Used for?
Any task that you might want a 'virtual computer' to run it on for example
- Testing
- Building a distribution
- Automated updating
- etc.
Pipeline/Workflow vs jobs/steps
A pipeline/workflow is the full definition of the task (can mean the file or the actions). Jobs/steps are the individual actions or group of actions that make up a pipeline/workflow
The environment the pipeline/workflow runs in including the operating system, any configuration variables, and any included binaries/languages
Strategy for making a pipeline
Imagine you have someone you are training to do the task. They have a brand new laptop and you need to help them get setup and do the task
An example
Last week we looked at using hugo with the ignite site, what are the steps needed to build the ignite site if you were given a brand new laptop?
Overview of steps for the example
First we need to clone the site so we have the files, next we need to install hugo, then we need to build them (hugo -d), and finally we need to take the files and put them somewhere other people can access them
Step 1: Clone the site so we have the files
First we need to clone the site down, this means we will need some sort of OS and git along with a URL to clone the files down. So once we have an os we need to run:
git clone
Step 2: We need to install hugo
This means either installing go and installing hugo that way, or downloading a binary
Step 3: Build the files
Need to run the hugo command over the files we downloaded
hugo -d
Step 4: Deploy the files
Find a way to deploy those files so other people can access them (will cover this in detail tomorrow)
Some example systems
Every system is a little different. Don't worry about understanding these fully, we will cover one system in depth later these are just here to show other approaches
Example jenkinsfile (printing Hello world! at cli)
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
echo 'Hello world!'
- name: This is a hello-world example
hosts: ansibleclient01.local
- name: Create a file called '/tmp/testfile.txt' with the content 'hello world'.
content: hello worldn
dest: /tmp/testfile.txt
Travis CI
SiteCI/CD is not always remote
Some CI/CD processes are run locally on people's devices like local testing pipelines (some people say this isn't ci/cd some say it is)
CI/CD vs PaaS (platforms as a service)
PaaS services like heroku are designed to be a one-stop shop for setting up a project, they tend to be more efficient but they are by design less flexible than standard CI/CD systems
HerokuCI/CD vs containers
Containers are essentially a way to run code inside a 'mini computer' inside a computer. Some CI/CD systems use containers, but containers are not themselves CI/CD systems necessarily
DockerGithub Actions
Github actions is a remote CI/CD system that is integrated with github directly
For example this presentation has a pipeline
name: GH build for ezprez
- master
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
python -m pip install ezprez
- name: build html files
run: |
mkdir ~/Downloads
mv Presentation/* .
rm -rf Presentation
- name: Deploy Docs
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: .
Github Actions File structure
They go in a folder in your repository called /.github/workflows (you can have multiple pipelines)
This configuration determines when an action pipeline runs. Note that multiple pipelines can be run off a single trigger, and pipelines finishing can trigger other pipelines to start. After a name parameter you need to add an 'on'
name: GH build for ezprez
... # This is where you add your trigger
On push (all branches)
name: GH build for ezprez
[push] # all branches
On push (specific branches)
name: GH build for ezprez
branches: # Only rub on a push to master or main
- master
- main
On Workflow dispatch (No Inputs)
name: GH build for ezprez
workflow_dispatch # Manually start the pipeline
On Workflow dispatch (Inputs)
name: GH build for ezprez
workflow_dispatch: # Manually start the pipeline
doc_system: # Can access value ${{ github.event.inputs.doc_system }}
description: Either pdoc, or mkdocs # Description shows under field
default: pdoc # Provide a default
required: true # Make field required or not
On Workflow dispatch (Inputs)

On Schedule/Cron
Online editor for crontab formatname: GH build for ezprez
# Run at 5:05 pm on mondays and wednesdays
- cron: '5 17 * * 1,3'
Each job is essentially a set of steps with some associated state. Each job runs in it's own 'runner' with it's own 'virtual environment'(container)
name: name of workflow
... # This is where you add your trigger
name: You can also specify a name here
... # environment definition
Environment definitions
The information used to configure all steps in a job
This defines what OS the workflow runs on
name: name of workflow
... # This is where you add your trigger
name: You can also specify a name here
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # can also be a matrix you iterate over
Used to create arrays that are itterated over to run a job multiple times
name: name of workflow
... # This is where you add your trigger
name: You can also specify a name here
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} # Would run this with ubuntu-latest first, then windows-latest, then macos-latest
python_version: ['3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10'] # Can use this later on
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macOS-latest]
This is where actual commands are run. Note that state is typically persistant across steps in the same job. Note you can use other people's actions by passing the repo name
name: name of workflow
... # This is where you add your trigger
... # your job config
- uses: actions/checkout@v2 # minimal example
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python_version }} # Using a more complex pre-built example
uses: actions/setup-python@v1 #
python-version: ${{ matrix.python_version }}
- name: Install dependencies # Example of running raw bash commands
run: |
pip install .
pip install pytest
Using with
With can be used to define settings for each step in a job. There are some standard one's we will cover but keep in mind custom actions often have custom settings you can use alongside the with section. It is essentially where you can stick any configuration for a step you need
In github you can set a secret, which is a key-value pair that is kept completely secret (like a password). Be aware once set you can only modify or delete, you cannot read the value again

With options: token
Tokens are used to authenticate an action and are what allows the action access to make changes or even just access content that is locked behind a password/github account. They use different formats, but here is an example
name: Publish Site
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Publish Site
uses: chabad360/hugo-gh-pages@master
githubToken: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_TOKEN }} # In this case this is where you set a personal access token to your account
With options: artifacts
name: Create theme release # Taken from
description: The version number to release
default: "0.1.0"
required: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Create zip files
... # creates a bunch of zip files
- name: Create release draft
uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
artifacts: "*.zip" # Include zip files in releases draft
tag: ${{ github.event.inputs.version_number }}
draft: true
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
What does this look like?

What does this look like?

What does this look like?

Github Pages
Github pages is a host for static site files. Imagine a google drive/dropbox/onedrive but for html files so that people can access the files on the web. It also provides a full http server as well
Github Pages setup
You can either have your html files in your regular source or on a gh-pages branch. You need an index.html file for either
Github Pages setup
Once you have the content where you want it, you can configure the settings for github pages from the repository (by default

Github Pages deployment
Once you have finished the configuration a github action will run to actually deploy the files to github's servers